What Is Morality, and is it Absolute?


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Yes, and yes.

Morality is the idea that some things are "right, good," and other things are "wrong, bad."

Morality is absolute, because it is based in God's righteous character.


Well-known member
I believe there are a few necessities/formalities necessary in preliminary:

If you believe God always acts 'properly,' what do you mean by that? In the thread "Our Moral God" the problem is in definition and eye-of-the-beholder understanding of any given 'moral' idea. Some for instance, believe it is 'immoral' for God to send anybody to hell. There are all kinds of assumptions that need to be unpacked and addressed: Does it have to mean God is immoral? (Nope, has to be proved/connected - for one instance).

Definitions: If Morality is: "Proper behavior" then 'no.' It is not absolute. It cannot be. If it is 'proper' to belch in Japan and 'rude' in America, obviously then, it'd not be true. You'd have to qualify such with something at least like "Absolute moral" because 'moral' itself does not intimate/necessitate 'absolute.'

You can argue 'til you are blue in the face that God has to be 'moral' but if morality itself isn't absolute (appears initially and under scrutiny that it is not) then you cannot argue 1) that one being is or isn't (Japanese vs American by proof) nor 2) that it is anything but an expression of a certain value that 'doesn't have to be shared' to be considered 'moral.'

In a nutshell 1) Morality is not and probably cannot be demonstrably absolute thus 2) Imposition of morality likewise cannot be a tangible litmus for anybody in particular except as circumstance portrays. A need for qualification like 'absolute moral' must be stated in order to push this thread forward.


Thus suggestion for thread:

1)An 'absolute' moral is by definition 'absolute.'
2) God as a perfect Being would only and ever exibit 'proper behavior' as the expression of a perfect character. Such 'might' portray as immoral to one who does not possess perfection, but 'morality' in this case is the expression. When Scripture says God will 'bring evil upon' those who disobey, it may confuse those who do not realize 'morality' is not absolute but in the sense that God will 'act properly' toward all things, regardless of how such might look to a people who do not possess absolute perfection nor morality.

Bradley D

Well-known member
Love God and Love Neighbor. Love/Agape 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a.

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth.." (1 Corinthians 13:4-8a).