What I know


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What I know

This is the show from Wednesday, November 29th, 2017



CARM accidentally deleted their Facebook Event page.
(There's no need to blame God for this mistake.
This wasn't by eternal divine decree, but just like
the typo in the title of that page, misspelling Calvnism [sic],
it was just a mistake. :) [See God is not the author of confusion, below]

* No Doubt! As Bob prepares to welcome this weekend's Duffy/Slick Calvinism/Openness debate at Denver Bible Church (see below), today we re-air an important program from March 17, 2016 based on kgov.com/doubts. What can you know about God for certain? Consider these examples of things in our lives that we may have doubts about and the many things about God that we can know for certain. Based on our article below and at kgov.com/doubts.

* Debate! You are invited to join Will Duffy and Matt Slick in person or via YouTube live streaming...

The 1st Debate (Open Theism): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCNPmLIOnDg&feature=youtu.be
The 2nd Debate (Calvinism): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDA-_SP3J9Y&feature=youtu.be

* From kgov.com/doubts:

On Doubt: What Does a Christian Doubt?

In an online discussion over at Prometheus Unbound, Santi, an agnostic, asked Bob Enyart about his doubts. You can read that discussion over at santitafarella.wordpress.com. This List of Doubts is based on Bob's answer:

I doubt that the rising mountain of evidence utterly refuting Darwinism will bring a majority of evolutionists to acknowledge our Creator God. I doubt that the failed predictions of the Big Bang Theory will lead atheists to…

But wait. I’m sure those are not the kinds of doubts you’re asking me about Santi. You’re asking me to indicate, of the beliefs that I hold, which ones do I sometimes doubt. To help myself think this through, I’ll first list the things I never ever doubt.

- I never doubt that I exist.
- I never doubt that truth exists, because for example, it is true that I exist.
- I never doubt that reason exists, because I can reason to the truth of the previous sentence.
- I never doubt that there is a reality, because truth and reason exist.
- I never doubt that the universe exists, because I exist as part of it, and I can reason to the truth of its existence.
- I never doubt that the universe must have had a beginning, because stars still burn available energy.
- Since truth and reason exist, I never doubt that logic exists.
- Since I exist and logic exists, I never doubt that existence itself must be rational.
- Since logic and reason exist, I never doubt that whatever has a beginning must have a cause.
- Since logic and reason exist, I never doubt that the effect cannot be greater than the cause.
- I never doubt that whatever caused the universe must be powerful and even greater than the universe itself.
- And since logic exists, I realize that nothing that has a beginning can have existed forever.
- And since the Cause of the universe must exist, I realize that it has no beginning, and has existed forever.
- And since this uncaused Cause created the universe, i.e., its ingredients, I don't doubt that it also created me.
- And since I'm a person and the effect can't be greater than the cause I don't doubt that the Creator is personal.
- And because we persons are creative like He is, I never doubt that we are made to some extent in His likeness.
- And because the Creator is a person, I never doubt that He must be alive.
- So I never doubt that the attributes of our eternal Creator are that He is living and personal.
- And I never doubt that human beings refer to the living and personal eternal Creator as "God".
- And I never doubt that to be a person, one must have a will, so that it is by God's will that I exist.
- And because we creatures have the ability to know our Creator, I never doubt that He is relational.
- And because He made us with the ability to love, I never doubt that the Creator Himself can love.
- And because God can love, and He made us to know good and evil, I therefore never doubt that He is good.
- So I never doubt our all-powerful, eternal Creator God who is living, personal, relational, good, and loving.
- And I never doubt that all these things could be intuitively understood by everyone who's ever lived.
- And because God is good and loving and made us, I never doubt that He cares about us and wants to save us.
- And I never doubt that if Jesus Christ did not rise from the dead as prophesied, that Christianity is false.
- Nor have I ever doubted that if Jesus did rise from the dead, then all other religions are false and as He claimed, He is the only way to eternal life.

Santi, these are some of the things I never doubt.

Now, what do I sometimes doubt? There are many particulars regarding the universe, the world, mankind, doctrines of Scripture, points of history, economics, science, etc., that I’m eager to learn more of and to be corrected where in error. The more significant errors I’ve made over the years are listed on our Errata page which we link to from our KGOV.com home page and from the footer section of every one of the 10,000 pages on our site. (This article is one of those pages, at kgov.com/on-doubt, so you can see the Errata link just below.) And when I make a lesser error in a radio program, etc., we correct that error on that show’s summary page.

Was this a sufficient answer, or would you like some particular detail?

Thanks Santi!

-Bob Enyart
Pastor, Denver Bible Church
Conservative talk radio host, KGOV.com
Co-host, Real Science Radio
Teacher, Theology Thursday

For more information:
- See kgov.com/the-gospel.
- You can read more between Santi and Bob at Prometheus Unbound.
- You can hear Pastor Bob's sermon on this dialogue by subscribing to receive his messages (ask for a gift of the Oct. 23, 2016 sermon titled, The Pastor's Doubts).
- You can view our list that tallies up the hundreds of thousands of Ph.D.s, M.D.s, scientists, and scholars doubting Darwin over at rsr.org/doubt.

Finally, you're invited to check out our KGOV Store (or call us at 1-800-8Enyart) for some really fun and educational BEL materials, books, MP3s, DVDs, Blu-rays, HD downloads, etc., designed to improve our understanding of the world, of God, and of ourselves, and to enable us to live more effectively, to better communicate with others, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

In Passing: For those who have been told that everything occurs by God's eternal decree, thus making Him the author of every thought and word, consider the following toy made in China, along with [url=https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+14%3A33&version=NKJV]1 Cor. 14:33
which states that, "God is not the author of confusion..."
