Well-known member
Hi to all and many read Eph 3:5 and then say , you see even the 12 knew about the MYSTERY < Nooooooooooo 11

Here IS A good translation of Eph 3:5 !!

Which in DIFFERENT/ HETEROS generations was NOT MADE KNOWN to the sons of man , as it was now Revealed to His Holy Apostles and Prophets by SPIRIT !!

#1, Their are different generations , like before time began 2 Tim 1:9 !!

#2 , This does not say that the 12 apostles knew !!

#3 It is now tevealed to Paul , as in Eph 3:2 !!

#4 There are 2 AORIST TENSE verbs and that point to the time recieved the new MYSTERY , Acts 20:24 and Col 1:25 and 26 and Rom 16:25 and 26 and we are command to obey by FAITH !!

#5 The Greek word REVEALED / APOKYPTO also points back to when received the MYSTERY !!


#7 And it is in the Indicative mood and it means it is a FACT !!

#8 Prophets , just mean a persoN preaching a message !!

#9 AN Apostole means a MESSENGER and both are in the Dispensation of the Grace of God and speaks to the Revelation of the MYSTERY !!q

#10 , Where did the 12 EVER preach the Dispensation of the MYSTERY ??

It seems that many do not know which time ZONE they are in !!



New member
The irony...

Heb 8:8 (KJV)
Jer 31:31 (KJV)

Jesus came and brought the New Covenant and Israel ( not all obviously )rejected the New Covenant, and so the gentiles were grafted in and Israel set aside ( removed from the tree )until the Great TRIBULATION when they ( Israel ) will be grafted back into the tree ( New Covenant ) as per scripture.

It is all the same Gospel that is by, in , about, of , and through the Lord of Lords and King of Kings Jesus the Christ.

Luk 22:20
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Jesus came and brought the New Covenant and Israel ( not all obviously )rejected the New Covenant, and so the gentiles were grafted in and Israel set aside ( removed from the tree )until the Great TRIBULATION when they ( Israel ) will be grafted back into the tree ( New Covenant ) as per scripture.

It is all the same Gospel that is by, in , about, of , and through the Lord of Lords and King of Kings Jesus the Christ.

Luk 22:20
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

You are mixing several ideas together there.


Well-known member
Jesus came and brought the New Covenant and Israel ( not all obviously )rejected the New Covenant, and so the gentiles were grafted in and Israel set aside ( removed from the tree )until the Great TRIBULATION when they ( Israel ) will be grafted back into the tree ( New Covenant ) as per scripture.

It is all the same Gospel that is by, in , about, of , and through the Lord of Lords and King of Kings Jesus the Christ.

Luk 22:20
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.

Hi and not stepping on you ( STP ) BUT those who say that the New Covenant has been setup and in operation are wrong as Jer31:31 and Ezek 36::24-38 Have yet to be FULFILLED !!and also refuse to believe that Israel has been set aside as Acts 13:46 , Acts 18:6 and Acts 28:28 are proof !!

Dodge is still in DENIAL , that the Greek word DIATHEKE / TESTAMENT is a translitered word with many meaning , such as TESTAMENT , WILL , AGREEMENT , ARRANGEMENT , COMPACT , what a GRASSHOPPER !!

dan p


New member
Hi and not stepping on you ( STP ) BUT those who say that the New Covenant has been setup and in operation are wrong as Jer31:31 and Ezek 36::24-38 Have yet to be FULFILLED !!and also refuse to believe that Israel has been set aside as Acts 13:46 , Acts 18:6 and Acts 28:28 are proof !!

Dodge is still in DENIAL , that the Greek word DIATHEKE / TESTAMENT is a translitered word with many meaning , such as TESTAMENT , WILL , AGREEMENT , ARRANGEMENT , COMPACT , what a GRASSHOPPER !!

dan p

Jer 31:31

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

You do understand that the gentiles were grafted in to the covenant of Grace right ?

There was NEVER a special covenant made to the gentiles as we were the wild limb grafted into the covenant.

I fear the curse that Paul said is placed on those that push two gospels when there is only one.

That is EXACTLY what Jesus accomplished at Calvary. Your loss for not trusting in " it is finished ". Your loss not mine.

This is the ONLY covenant: Luk 22:20
Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.


New member
You are mixing several ideas together there.

No I am not. There is only one covenant of grace made to save Israel and when they rejected the Messiah they were removed for a time and the gentiles were grafted into that covenant of Grace.

No matter how you confuse yourself there is only ONE Gospel.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
No I am not. There is only one covenant of grace made to save Israel and when they rejected the Messiah they were removed for a time and the gentiles were grafted into that covenant of Grace.

No matter how you confuse yourself there is only ONE Gospel.

Okie dokie.


Well-known member
Jer 31:31

Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

You do understand that the gentiles were grafted in to the covenant of Grace right ?

There was NEVER a special covenant made to the gentiles as we were the wild limb grafted into the covenant.

Hi and I have not seen it called " A COVENANT OF GRACE " will you provide a verse ?

Will you explain what GRACE / CHARIS means ??

dan p


Well-known member
The new thing about the new covenant is that it welcomes all people.

Hi and where does it say COVENANT of GRACE , I have never seen that PHrase , so please , where is that verse found ??

In Acts 2:10 there were PROSELYTES , is that what you mean ?

So , what will you call Cornelius in Acts 10:45 and in verse 46 ?

Are there many Jewish PROSELYTES today ?

Why not ??

You believe in a 1P 1P PROGRAM , do you not ??

dan p