ECT What does the saved individual gain if he is born again?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We must be born again.

John 3:3 New International Version (NIV)

3 Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”


New member
Would it not be, innocence?

Innocence of WHAT ?
At the moment of Baptism and the Receiving the Holy Spirit


Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,

to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,

through the forbearance of God;


Well-known member
Jumping in on the topic.
A saved person gains:

Living eternally in the presence of God as he appears as our Lord Jesus and the Father.

Living eternally in our Lord's kingdom having a unique body that has been glorified and having unique characteristics that make each of us an individual.

Some people will be awarded for their works done within this this world in this flesh when their works glorified our Lord Jesus. Not sure what those awards will be ... but clues have been "crowns to lay at his feet" and "positions of authority."

Luke 22:20 Jesus says to his disciples:
And I (your Lord Jesus) appoint unto you (my followers) a kingdom, (just) as my Father hath appointed (a kingdom) unto me...

Since I read that passage I have a theory that I like to ponder.

I like to think about each "saved" person will have their own kingdom. I like to image what I would want in my personal kingdom. Of course, scripture does not say "every believer" will have their own kingom ... but it is a sweet thing to ponder.

Cross Reference

New member
Jumping in on the topic.
A saved person gains:

Living eternally in the presence of God as he appears as our Lord Jesus and the Father.

Living eternally in our Lord's kingdom having a unique body that has been glorified and having unique characteristics that make each of us an individual.

Some people will be awarded for their works done within this this world in this flesh when their works glorified our Lord Jesus. Not sure what those awards will be ... but clues have been "crowns to lay at his feet" and "positions of authority."

Luke 22:20 Jesus says to his disciples:
And I (your Lord Jesus) appoint unto you (my followers) a kingdom, (just) as my Father hath appointed (a kingdom) unto me...

Since I read that passage I have a theory that I like to ponder.

I like to think about each "saved" person will have their own kingdom. I like to image what I would want in my personal kingdom. Of course, scripture does not say "every believer" will have their own kingom ... but it is a sweet thing to ponder.

Everything you have posited is man centered and not God centered. Is the new birth from above necessary for any of it except Lu 22:20?

Cross Reference

New member
Would it not be, innocence?

Innocence of WHAT ?
At the moment of Baptism and the Receiving the Holy Spirit


Romans 3:25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood,

to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past,

through the forbearance of God;

How 'bout "for what", instead?


New member

You asked the guy the question and now you are accusing him of positing.

tsk tsk CR.
CROSS REF. Mr. Posit.

Just make your point and stop with the guessing game.

Cross Reference

New member

You asked the guy the question and now you are accusing him of positing.

tsk tsk CR.
CROSS REF. Mr. Posit.

Just make your point and stop with the guessing game.

Is posited the wrong word??

Cross Reference

New member
You set the standard in your opening post.

You used no scripture in your title of in your post, why should I?
Because you came against it without a reason and without knowledge?

If you have no scripture support you claim, just say so.

Think about it. I'm going to bed while you are at it __if you are at it.


Well-known member
Everything you have posited is man centered and not God centered. Is the new birth from above necessary for any of it except Lu 22:20?

Are you saying that I misunderstood the topic of the thread?

What does the saved individual gain if he is born again?

Cross Reference, please explain to me where I went wrong with the topic?

I will admit that I was thinking about after this life and not in this world.


New member




To posit something is to assume or suggest that it is true.
You can posit an idea or opinion.
Assume as a fact;
Put forward as a basis of argument.


postulate, put forward, advance, propound, submit,
hypothesize, propose, assert

Cross Reference

New member
Are you saying that I misunderstood the topic of the thread?

What does the saved individual gain if he is born again?

Cross Reference, please explain to me where I went wrong with the topic?

I will admit that I was thinking about after this life and not in this world.

Where are getting the idea I believe you said anything wrong??

You replied and I commented on it to be "man centered". You are entitled to you believe what you want. Where is the offense by me? Were my words harsh and nasty? What??

The topic is my based on my opinion as to how I perceive the new birth as not being necessary for salvation but for something on a grander scale in the intention of God for having created man.

So my question will remain: What is gained by being born again as opposed to just being saved?


Well-known member
Where are getting the idea I believe you said anything wrong??

You replied and I commented on it to be "man centered". You are entitled to you believe what you want. Where is the offense by me? Were my words harsh and nasty? What??

The topic is my based on my opinion as to how I perceive the new birth as not being necessary for salvation but for something on a grander scale in the intention of God for having created man.

So my question will remain: What is gained by being born again as opposed to just being saved?

You insinuated that my answer was not proper because it was "man centered." I just pointed out that my answer actually addressed the main point of the question.

Your reply puzzled me... so I asked you to tell me where I went wrong answering the question.

The original question for the thread was:
What does the saved individual gain if he is born again?

This was the question I addressed.

I'm not sure where you came up with the question you mentioned. quote Jamie:

So my question will remain: What is gained by being born again as opposed to just being saved?

I assume you asked that question some where during the conversations ... and it was not the one I was answering.

I will see if I can give you my opinion on your question in another post.


Well-known member
Jamie, hello again.

Your question was:
So my question will remain: What is gained by being born again as opposed to just being saved?

Well, I think they go hand in hand. Our salvation is a process that actually began before God ever created humanity.

God made man after his image and likeness ... because the promised Savior would come in the same image and likeness. Sort of like a perfect match.

Imperfect mortal sinful mankind would need a perfect Savior to over come sin and death and show us the WAY we would follow him into righteousness and eternal life.

Of course there are many steps along the pathway of this process ... and being spirit filled is just part of it. The spirit becomes like the hand of God holding saved human beings from the clutches of Satan... holds all saints securely until his kingdom is ushered in so that we behold our Lord as he will behold us in our glorified bodies.

Without all the steps being fulfilled salvation would not have taken place and this included the coming of the Holy Spirit into the world.

Now people who are saved are given the gift of the spirit in us ... and the term some people like to use for that is "born again."

I prefer "spirit filled." I look at this stage as our being "in Christ" ... figuratively like a conceived child is "in the womb of its mother."

I think about how the potential of all manifested humanity existed in the genetic make up of Adam (male / female) when God first create them. Of course God took woman out of Adam and gave her a body to be a wife. From the two of them would come children.

Well, figuratively speaking Christ came into the world having the Spirit in him ... and when he left this world the Spirit came into the world as a separate entity. The spirit is now acting similar to the role of mother. Because the Spirit is IN US ... we are IN HIM... like a baby in God's womb. We babes in Christ's spirit are awating to be born again ... a second birth that takes us into our Lord's kingdom.

Spiritual we gain ... a second chance at a new life. Perfected and eternal and dwelling in his site... and experiencing his love in a close relationship.

I am saved ... spirit filled... and awaiting my being born again.