well, at least Krauthammer believes in Cruz


New member
on that show with Bret Baier (FOX)
all the panel members said who they think will win (they do this casino style thing..)

only Krauthammer gave Cruz a chance... small though it was


everyone else wants politics as usual??

true, it is probably just who they THINK will win, not who they want to win... but

hmm... just don't get why people are against (or don't have faith in) Cruz?

gues people like corruption and same old same old...



on that show with Bret Baier (FOX)
all the panel members said who they think will win (they do this casino style thing..)

only Krauthammer gave Cruz a chance... small though it was


everyone else wants politics as usual??

true, it is probably just who they THINK will win, not who they want to win... but

hmm... just don't get why people are against (or don't have faith in) Cruz?

gues people like corruption and same old same old...


Ted Cruz Campaign SuperPACs Raise Record $31 Million in Under a Week

People are excited about a real conservative running for POTUS.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
People are excited about a real conservative running for POTUS.

Which can be seen in the excitement about Rand Paul.

Do tell me what is conservative about wanting to give amnesty to illegal aliens?

While you're at it also tell me what's conservative about wanting to give sexual deviants special rights?

Tell me Lex: why is a Libertarian like Rand Paul ashamed to run on the Libertarian Party ticket?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
People are excited about a real conservative running for POTUS.

Do tell me what is conservative about wanting to give amnesty to illegal aliens?

While you're at it also tell me what's conservative about wanting to give sexual deviants special rights?

Tell me Lex: why is a Libertarian like Rand Paul ashamed to run on the Libertarian Party ticket?

You mean the libertine ticket


New member
Do tell me what is conservative about wanting to give amnesty to illegal aliens?

When did he say he'd do that?

While you're at it also tell me what's conservative about wanting to give sexual deviants special rights?

He doesn't want to do that.

Tell me Lex: why is a Libertarian like Rand Paul ashamed to run on the Libertarian Party ticket?

Because the Libertarian Party doesn't like him and because third parties can't win.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
People are excited about a real conservative [Ted Cruz] running for POTUS.

Do tell me what is conservative about wanting to give amnesty to illegal aliens?

While you're at it also tell me what's conservative about wanting to give sexual deviants special rights?

Tell me Lex: why is a Libertarian like Rand Paul ashamed to run on the Libertarian Party ticket?

You mean the libertine ticket

And what ideology and political party platform do libertines use so that they can have a "license" to partake in various immoral behaviors?

(I'll give you a hint: Libertarian).

When did he say he'd do that?

He doesn't want to do that.

You really don't know that much about your candidate do you Lex?


Because the Libertarian Party doesn't like him

I don't know why, he's a lunatic like his old man, but with better handlers.

and because third parties can't win.

So Rand Paul wants to destroy a political party that was built on conservative values by adding a Libertarian (left wing) touch to it?


New member
You really don't know that much about your candidate do you Lex?


The Libertarians are not your enemy. The establishment Republicans like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, which you don't criticize near as much as the Pauls, hate conservative Christians and are your real enemy.

George W. Bush did nothing to end abortion during his 8 years in office. The old "libertine leftist" Ron Paul introduced a bill that would define life as starting at conception. It was never brought up for a vote.

He dragged us into war with Iraq, and caused instability that led to the persecution of Christians in that nation. He gave money and weapons to countries that execute Christians. Ron Paul opposed all of this.

But no, the Pauls are the enemy.


New member
So Rand Paul wants to destroy a political party that was built on conservative values by adding a Libertarian (left wing) touch to it?

No, if anything Rand Paul wants to bring the party back to 1854 by arguing for both free market Capitalism (see economic policy) and morality (see stance on abortion).


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Libertarians are not your enemy. The establishment Republicans like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, which you don't criticize near as much as the Pauls, hate conservative Christians and are your real enemy.

George W. Bush did nothing to end abortion during his 8 years in office. The old "libertine leftist" Ron Paul introduced a bill that would define life as starting at conception. It was never brought up for a vote.

He dragged us into war with Iraq, and caused instability that led to the persecution of Christians in that nation. He gave money and weapons to countries that execute Christians. Ron Paul opposed all of this.

But no, the Pauls are the enemy.

actually you are the enemy

a right winger bashing all the republicans
who did you vote for?
can you answer that?


No, if anything Rand Paul wants to bring the party back to 1854 by arguing for both free market Capitalism (see economic policy) and morality (see stance on abortion).

1854? Can us white guys gets us some slaves then?

Or, how in the world will you communicate when your computer disappears?

News flash----it's 2015 not 1854 so please explain to the rest of the world how Randy makes any sense at all.

The Barbarian

The Libertarians are not your enemy. The establishment Republicans like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, which you don't criticize near as much as the Pauls, hate conservative Christians and are your real enemy.

It's because Connie is an obedient little servant of the Republican establishment. And Rand Paul isn't. I'd probable disagree with a lot of things Paul would do as president. But he strikes me as both reasonable and electable.

But not pliable. So the guys funding the republican party are afraid of him. He's the first major party candidate I'd consider voting for, in decades.


New member
actually you are the enemy

a right winger bashing all the republicans
who did you vote for?
can you answer that?

I'm a registered Republican and the few candidates I've voted for have been all or mostly Republicans. But I did not vote for them because of their partisan affiliation, I took time to research the candidates, even down to the Coroner. I voted for the best man or woman for the job. The number of US Congressmen and governors that I respect from both parties is very small. I would gladly vote for Independent or third party candidates, and on occasion, I might even vote for a Democrat.

Ultimately, I care about the path our nation is heading down. And the path we are headed down is going to opposite direction of what the founding fathers would have wanted. And I will support anyone that tries to reverse course.

1854? Can us white guys gets us some slaves then?

The Republican Party was founded as an abolitionist party. Slave owners would have voted Democrat or Constitutional Union.

Or, how in the world will you communicate when your computer disappears?

So you're saying that old principles should be discarded just like old technology?

News flash----it's 2015 not 1854 so please explain to the rest of the world how Randy makes any sense at all.

So I guess since it's not 1787 we should just throw out the Constitution?

"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock."

-Thomas Jefferson

It's because Connie is an obedient little servant of the Republican establishment. And Rand Paul isn't. I'd probable disagree with a lot of things Paul would do as president. But he strikes me as both reasonable and electable.

But not pliable. So the guys funding the republican party are afraid of him. He's the first major party candidate I'd consider voting for, in decades.

You can tell he's real when both the left-wing and right-wing establishment is trying to destroy him.


New member
The Libertarians are not your enemy. The establishment Republicans like George W. Bush, John McCain, and Mitt Romney, which you don't criticize near as much as the Pauls, hate conservative Christians and are your real enemy.

this is a bit of a stretch to say the least

they HATE conservatives??


uh... yeh... They may ignore us, that is true, but hate?

maybe this is one reason some Ds don't consider the Rs when voting? maybe they think they are all lying or exaggerating to the point of virtual lying?

just wondering...

we need to be careful what words we choose.

that said, it does seem like they might .. just might dislike us some..

maybe they think if they are too conservative, they won't get elected. i say it's just the opposite.. People stay home when they don't see much difference



The fact is that presidemtal candidate Cruz was holding a Canadian citizenship less than a year ago - he would still be a dual citizen if his citizenship hadn't been investigated by The Dallas Morning News.

Given the shameful way the conservative "birthers" treated Obama over the last 7 years, I hope the Republicans don't expect Democrats to be too eager to turn the other cheek during the 2016 Campaign.
Last edited:


New member
The fact is that presidemtal candidate Cruz was holding a Canadian citizenship less than a year ago - he would still be a dual citizen if his citizenship hadn't been investigated by The Dallas Morning News.

Given the shameful way the conservative "birthers" treated Obama over the last 7 years, I hope the Republicans don't expect Democrats to be too eager to turn the other cheek during the 2016 Campaign.

get real


he was born to an AMERICAN citizen

on that show with Bret Baier (FOX)
all the panel members said who they think will win (they do this casino style thing..)

only Krauthammer gave Cruz a chance... small though it was


everyone else wants politics as usual??

true, it is probably just who they THINK will win, not who they want to win... but

hmm... just don't get why people are against (or don't have faith in) Cruz?

gues people like corruption and same old same old...

A Krauthammer endorsement means nothing to me.