we don't need no politicians.. don't need no thought control


New member
All you who think Ben Carson doesn't have experience..

Well, that is not always a bad thing (as long as his cabinet [were he to be elected] has plenty experience). The same could be said for Fiorina, whom i admire for a plethora of reasons.

Aren't we all tired of politicians, meaning those who make Congress their number one career, and would never consider any other.. who love all the perks of that job, being in the limelight..

What do you like/dislike about Carson?

He is inexperienced, and yet that can also be a strength.. seeing as how most Americans are tired of politicians.. esp those who will just NOT leave Congress.. even after 30 years! I think Wyden has been there that long (?), or darn close to it..

we need term limits

We need to remove the incentive to STAY in Congress -- which (human nature being what it is) translates into: "I'll do whatever i have to in order to retain my position, even if it means going against my principles"

which principles he doesn't even have, needless to say, if he can give them up that easily...



Well-known member
we need term limits

I couldn't agree more. But that is only half of the problem. In addition to that, we need, also, to close the revolving door to sweetheart insider lobbying.

Revolving Door Lobbying, from both sides of the isle, has become synonymous with greed and graft.


Well-known member
we need term limits

We need to remove the incentive to STAY in Congress -- which (human nature being what it is) translates into: "I'll do whatever i have to in order to retain my position, even if it means going against my principles"

which principles he doesn't even have, needless to say, if he can give them up that easily...


Can you imagine the feeding frenzy such a system would create!


New member
I couldn't agree more. But that is only half of the problem. In addition to that, we need, also, to close the revolving door to sweetheart insider lobbying.

Revolving Door Lobbying, from both sides of the isle, has become synonymous with greed and graft.

yeh and God knws the extent of it..
others could know or find out if they want, but don't know of anyone investigating such.. I don't know a lot about WA anyway, havn't read any NEW books on the topic.. need to find some to read.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
All you who think Ben Carson doesn't have experience..

Well, that is not always a bad thing (as long as his cabinet [were he to be elected] has plenty experience). The same could be said for Fiorina, whom i admire for a plethora of reasons.

Aren't we all tired of politicians, meaning those who make Congress their number one career, and would never consider any other.. who love all the perks of that job, being in the limelight..

What do you like/dislike about Carson?

He is inexperienced, and yet that can also be a strength.. seeing as how most Americans are tired of politicians.. esp those who will just NOT leave Congress.. even after 30 years! I think Wyden has been there that long (?), or darn close to it..

we need term limits

We need to remove the incentive to STAY in Congress -- which (human nature being what it is) translates into: "I'll do whatever i have to in order to retain my position, even if it means going against my principles"

which principles he doesn't even have, needless to say, if he can give them up that easily...


People are fickle, I believe that Carson is more qualified than the current occupant. Carson's problem, which spans across most of the field is his timid approach which is translated as weakness (just my opinion of course). I believe he could do the job, and do it well for the right reasons but, I am not sure that he has the thrust behind him. The man that will be able to separate himself from the frey will be the one that is firm where they stand and unapologetic for it, not trying to pander to individual groups and able to show strong leadership to lead this country from the ditch that Obama has put this country in. On another note Jeb Bush the anointed candidate is just as timid but, for different reasons, too busy pandering to this group or that to make any real connection or show any semblance of leadership quality. I believe that if he is the candidate, he will lose, and lose big time just like Romney and for the same reasons...he is totally unelectable.


New member
People are fickle, I believe that Carson is more qualified than the current occupant. Carson's problem, which spans across most of the field is his timid approach which is translated as weakness (just my opinion of course). I believe he could do the job, and do it well for the right reasons but, I am not sure that he has the thrust behind him. The man that will be able to separate himself from the frey will be the one that is firm where they stand and unapologetic for it, not trying to pander to individual groups and able to show strong leadership to lead this country from the ditch that Obama has put this country in. On another note Jeb Bush the anointed candidate is just as timid but, for different reasons, too busy pandering to this group or that to make any real connection or show any semblance of leadership quality. I believe that if he is the candidate, he will lose, and lose big time just like Romney and for the same reasons...he is totally unelectable.

i agree
