"We are followers of Paul" says MADists.


Quote Originally Posted by heir View Post

You don't follow Christ. If you did, you'd be following Paul

Why do you claim to be a Christian if you call yourselves followers of Paul?

Paul says he follows Christ.

In NT times or early Christianity, there were no Bible to spread.
So His followers had to follow faithful ones instructions. Paul happens to be one of them. He has no authority over His followers.

Now, Jesus faithful ones left Jesus' teachings in 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Why do you preach to follow second hand teachings of His followers when we have direct word from Jesus.

Jesus is the perfect Teacher and the Lord of all His followers.

Matthew 23:8

But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren.

Matthew 23:10

And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.

Jesus also says not to let anyone call you a teacher because He is the Teacher.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Why do you claim to be a Christian if you call yourselves followers of Paul?

Paul says he follows Christ.

In NT times or early Christianity, there were no Bible to spread.
So His followers had to follow faithful ones instructions. Paul happens to be one of them. He has no authority over His followers.

Now, Jesus faithful ones left Jesus' teachings in 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Why do you preach to follow second hand teachings of His followers when we have direct word from Jesus.

Jesus is the perfect Teacher and the Lord of all His followers.

Jesus didn't write those words. Men who were inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote them. Do you understand that?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul was on the road to Damascus and the ascended Jesus Christ met him there. Christ subsequently GAVE the Grace Gospel to Paul so that he could preach it ultimately to the Gentiles. Paul's message was given to him by the Ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was the preacher of Christ's message. Do you understand that? Blink once if you do and twice if you don't.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
In a nutshell, because I'm a fan of brevity:

1. "Jesus" was not sent to you, while on earth.
2. Paul was sent to you, with commands from the Lord from heaven.

Very simple.

Your options are:

1. Claim to follow Jesus in 4 gospels, and be found a liar.
2. Claim that both the 4 gospels and Paul have same message, and be found a liar.
3. Follow Paul's doctrine, and be right with the LORD.


New member
In a nutshell, because I'm a fan of brevity:

1. "Jesus" was not sent to you, while on earth.
2. Paul was sent to you, with commands from the Lord from heaven.

Very simple.

Your options are:

1. Claim to follow Jesus in 4 gospels, and be found a liar.
2. Claim that both the 4 gospels and Paul have same message, and be found a liar.
3. Follow Paul's doctrine, and be right with the LORD.

Satan won't allow it. Only a few are given Grace to allow their minds to see it.

patrick jane


Why do you claim to be a Christian if you call yourselves followers of Paul?

Paul says he follows Christ.

In NT times or early Christianity, there were no Bible to spread.
So His followers had to follow faithful ones instructions. Paul happens to be one of them. He has no authority over His followers.

Now, Jesus faithful ones left Jesus' teachings in 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Why do you preach to follow second hand teachings of His followers when we have direct word from Jesus.

Jesus is the perfect Teacher and the Lord of all His followers.

I hope nobody else responds to you. I encourage all MADs to ignore meshak since she proves time and again to be lost. She is playing dumb on purpose

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV -
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I hope nobody else responds to you. I encourage all MADs to ignore meshak since she proves time and again to be lost. She is playing dumb on purpose

1 Corinthians 4:15-16 KJV -

My threads are mostly for public to read. You don't seem to care the Truth.

No one can persuade anyone who do not want to see or hear the Truth.


In a nutshell, because I'm a fan of brevity:

1. "Jesus" was not sent to you, while on earth.
2. Paul was sent to you, with commands from the Lord from heaven.

Very simple.

Your options are:

1. Claim to follow Jesus in 4 gospels, and be found a liar.
2. Claim that both the 4 gospels and Paul have same message, and be found a liar.
3. Follow Paul's doctrine, and be right with the LORD.

Suit yourself stay in denial.

You obviously don't seem to appreciate Jesus' teachings are worth preached to the world.



Christians are Christ's followers.

Jesus' faithful ones left Jesus' direct teachings in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John in the New Testament.

It is wonderful teachings. It is the most valuable teachings in the world.


john w

New member
Hall of Fame

Was it sad that the children of Israel, were told to follow Moses, and that, per scripture's testimony, was following the LORD God, since He was the LORD God's appointed spokesman, servant, leader, of the children of Israel?


Exodus 16:2 KJV And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:

Mess-hack the murmurer. Good day to you, sir.


Was it sad that the children of Israel, were told to follow Moses, and that, per scripture's testimony, was following the LORD God, since He was the LORD God's appointed spokesman, servant, leader, of the children of Israel?


Exodus 16:2 KJV And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:

Mess-hack the murmurer. Good day to you, sir.

good day to you too sir.