Water cooler online

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber


What is said at the water cooler stays at the water cooler.


If you don't like Calvinists you are not going to like heaven.

Ask Mr. Religion

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Just think about this

Where are the most nonCalvinists located?


Go ahead. Be honest.
Most non-Calvinists are but confused Arminians, so I would say that no one knows the true natures of their hearts and am inclined to believe the average Arminian professor of Sola Fide and Solus Christus is going to be shaking my hand in heaven.

Lex orandi, lex credenda

As Sproul often humorously says, the average Arminian is saved...just barely. ;)

Why is Calvinism such a bugaboo around here? I've not heard the fundamentalist, real, in-person Christian community arguing about Calvin, can't recall him being mentioned in a sermon the past 20 years, anyway. Actually, nobody's really arguing most of what you see in web forums. I wonder why you don't hear these battles roaring in the congregations? Hmm... Isn't this a bit like the Catholics, still at war against the Reformation, since the 16th century?! It getteth old...


Why is Calvinism such a bugaboo around here? I've not heard the fundamentalist, real, in-person Christian community arguing about Calvin, can't recall him being mentioned in a sermon the past 20 years, anyway. Actually, nobody's really arguing most of what you see in web forums. I wonder why you don't hear these battles roaring in the congregations? Hmm... Isn't this a bit like the Catholics, still at war against the Reformation, since the 16th century?! It getteth old...

Respectfully, they can't stay away from cheap joints. They can't afford a high class place like the water cooler.
Respectfully, they can't stay away from cheap joints. They can't afford a high class place like the water cooler.

Good explanation! Is this sort of like the cults that are all dressed-up, but nowhere to go?

You know, you're making sense. Better watch out that you don't ruin your reputation.
Not a few here, including the site owner, are open theists. Openism is the polar opposite of Calvinism, hence the anti-Calvinistic rhetoric.


Suppose that and a dime will get you a cup of coffee, or perhaps it would back in Calvin's day. At least all here seem to be on-board with Schismism. Though, being a simple fellow, I much prefer the basic approach of believing things childishly clear in the Bible, trying never to draw my own conclusions contrary, though have more than once suffered being branded heretical for this, guilty of Saymeanism, going around claiming that the Bible means what it says. Very unpopular with Catholics or Adventists, especially, as well as your odd Mormon or Jehovah's Witness, perhaps shouldn't neglect the mention of lack of affection from the disciples of Herbie Armstrong, also. Of course, these things make me happy.