Was Jonah Predestined to Disobey?


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Theology Thursday: Was Jonah Predestined to Disobey?

This is the show from Thursday, January 7th, 2016


Disobedient Prophet: On today's Theology Thursday, Bob presents the story of Jonah from his verse by verse study of Jonah and Nahum. Jonah disobeyed God's command to go to Ninevah, then after God sent a large fish to swallow Jonah, he reluctantly obeyed. Did God predestine Jonah to disobey, get punished, then obey? You'll hear the answer in the this compelling study.


Today's Resource: Jonah and Nahum

One of the most important events in Bible history occurs in the city of Joppa, twice. What is that event? And why did it happen twice? When God saw that the Assyrians repented at Jonah?s preaching, then God repented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon Nineveh, and He did not do it. How can this be? Later, Nahum warned Nineveh that if would fall just like the city of King Tut.

CD or MP3 downloadhttp://store.kgov.com/1-2-thessalonians-mp3-cd-or-mp3-download/

* And from kgov.com/hillary:

* Hillary Instructs State Dept. Deputy Chief to Break the Law: Acting again above the law, Secretary Hillary Clinton instructed her deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan to strip a document of its classified markings and to transmit it through a non-secure channel. Hillary told Sullivan to have others at the State Department turn a classified document "into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure." Is that clear enough? "Send nonsecure." The very national security laws designed to protect our country, , which other officials have been convicted for violating, are ignored at Hillary's pleasure. The rule of law in the U.S. is a joke. Hillary is a joke. Congress is a joke. The media is a joke. Hillary for the Big House in 2016.

* "At the Risk of Appearing Completely Dishonest" -- Bob Enyart and co-host Doug http://theweeklyworldview.com discuss Hillary Clinton’s bold revelation that, (surprise!) “At the risk of appearing predictable, the Holy Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking”.

* Hillary in the Just-A-System: "It's no longer a justice system; now it's just a system," says Bob Enyart as he re-airs and analyzes the 1980s interview in which Hillary laughs about the rape of a 12 year old girl, and the miscarriage of justice she engineered so that the rapist could get away with it (foreshadowing the help the enabler would give to her own husband)

* Hillary in the Just-A-System: "It's no longer a justice system; now it's just a system," says Bob Enyart as he re-airs and analyzes the 1980s interview in which Hillary laughs about the rape of a 12 year old girl, and the miscarriage of justice she engineered so that the rapist could get away with it (foreshadowing the help the enabler would give to her own husband).

* BEL Worldwide Exclusive Interview with Juanita Broadrick: Since we're here speaking of the Enabler in Chief, let's also address her husband Bill Clinton's rape of Juanita Broaddrick was an event that "in fact took place" wrote the Wall Street Journal. Hear Bob's interview with Juanita and then the BEL interview with nurse Norma Rogers, her friend who found Broaddrick wounded and in tears shortly after the assault.

* It Takes a Village: to satisfy my husband, thought Hillary. Bob Enyart Live discussed Hillary's book the week that it was published...

* O.J.'s Legacy: Bob & Doug recall the double murder, the chase, the arrest, the blood, the footprints, the MOUNTAIN of evidence; and the not guilty verdict that, for Doug anyway, illuminated clearly the two sides in the battle of good versus evil.

* Today's Resource: Have you seen the Government Department at our KGOV Store? We are featuring Bruce Shortt's vitally-important book, The Harsh Truth about Public Schools. And also, check out the classic God's Criminal Justice System seminar, God and the Death Penalty, Live from Las Vegas, and Bob on Drugs DVDs, and our powerhouse Focus on the Strategy resources!
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