voting 3rd party is an exercise in futility


New member
if not one single 3rd party candidate can not earn a single electoral college vote from either of the most disliked candidates in the history of american elections then voting 3rd party is nothing more than an exercise in futility. :rip:
Futility in terms of getting that person elected, a practical futility, but not futility to the voter, who is exercising something conscientious, whether valid or not, and this between them and God for the faithful, really nobody else's business. I believe it's quite valid a person can get to the place where they feel disenfranchised, and, when presented with what they perceive as no options, because they can no longer believe any politician whose lips are moving and cloned campaign rhetoric that gets abandoned by inauguration day, and absent a track record of a politician being a righteous statesman, I have no problem with anybody who simply comes to, "Hold on a minute! Enough is enough! I am not a lever pulling monkey. I will not vote fot the lesser of two evils, because evil is evil." Then perhaps be saddled with the consequences for the next four years of, "Well, duped again, and nobody to blame but myself: I actually helped elect that thing!"

A third party candidate can be a better person, without a prayer of getting elected, because they can attract no corrupt money. Abraham Lincoln would not have an icecube's chance in Hades of being elected in 2016. Some people have spent their lives, looking for somebody they could vote for in good conscience, repeatedly presented nothing and nobody that proves righteous on this downward slope of societal degradation, decades of corrupt narcissists and liars, heaped upon liars, and I can respect these people who are done participating in a Satanic charade. I have noticed some third party people are, as people go, more decent than some angry, partisan extremists, also, have a good spirit within, that some very intelligent, good Christian people are in that third party camp. And, again, this is their business, their vote, and, though I believe anybody enthusiastic over Hillary is likely to be end eating habenero peppers in hell, beyond this, there are other good views. "For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." "And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." "And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?" "Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them." That is, not by their lip service.


New member
A beautiful thing about being a Christian is that in decisions like this, nothing is entirely futile. It could very well be that the decision made at the ballot box is a test to see how much faith we have in what is true and right.

For those that have an inner voice pulling you away from the top two candidates, I encourage you to listen to that voice. There are other eligible candidates within each state. Learn who they are and what they stand for. You may find someone worth voting for.

It is understandable that pragmatism will draw many to side with a major party's platform, and I can't fault believers for walking down that path. But we have born witness to something more...something miraculous. On Election Day, I will choose earthly futility, and listen to the inner voice.

Peace out,


The gospel has never been pragmatic or expedient.

Isn't Jeffrey pathetic when he starts one of his many pro Trump threads?

It'll all be over tomorrow, and either way, moral relativists like Jeffrey will be the winner (but real losers in God's Eyes).