Vote for Ted Cruz: civilized (etc) version of Trump


New member
Ted Cruz almost single-handedly saved We the People from the Dems, who are bent on

  • controlling us,
  • taxing us,
  • depriving us of justice (IRS scandal, etc)
  • not defending us against terrorism,

and the list goes on

I think of that Congressional Rules thing...

All 100 Senators are supposed to say Yes to any rule change, or there is no rule change, but the rinos wanted to change it to only 50 votes required, so that the Dems would get what they want (!!!), the Rs wouldn't have to vote against a given bill they don't like -- since all D votes pass it (no wait... The Rs SHOULDn't like the bill, but they are rinos so..).

That way the People @ home (R constituents) & everyone else.. wouldn't hold them accountable for voting w/ the Demons... I mean the Dems...

Cruz was the only Senator or almost the only one who tried to stop Ocare... HE was the only one who filibustered it..

Y didn't those dang so called Rs DEFUND Ocare when they had the chanc?

They had the power of the purse and didn't use it...

Almost all Rs in Congress are RINOS... vote the bums out

Ted Cruz for president

Cruz is the "civilized" version of Donald Trump
