Vision of Salvation:


New member
This is a good example why there is No one seeking after God today!!

God says, ( “Search the Scriptures” ), ( “Learn of Me” ), ( “Think on these things” ), and ( 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV – 13- “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” ). --//-- If you have done that, then the Holy Ghost “WILL” guide you unto many different Secret Things of God, that no Fool can Vision, - like this one!!

If you do Read, and Read, and Read over, and over, and over again, and again, and again then you “WILL” See as Christ sees: > ( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV ) – 12- “For now we see through a glass, darkly; (( But then face to face )): ( Now I know in part ); (((( But then shall I know even as also I am known” )))). --//-- If that is all Truth, Then things like the following are shown you.

Watch this ( VERY Closely ):
A Lost, but good hearted person Studies, and Studies and shows Christ that he is “Approved”, and Christ Sees His dead brother in the tomb of the heart, and Calls, - ((( Brother, “COME FORTH” )))!!! – ( AND ) This happens: >> ( Ephesians 2:6 KJV ) – 6- “And hath ( Raised us up together ), and ( Made us sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus )”. ---//--- Fools call their own vision of this, the ( “Rapture” )!! – However, the Truth of it is taken from: >> ( John 11:43 KJV ) – 43- “And when He thus had spoken, He cried with a loud voice, ((( Lazarus, “COME FORTH” ))). ---- Joses, or Lazarus was Jesus’ youngest Brother, the “Beloved Disciple”, or Joses, Lazarus, John, and finally, Barnabas. --- Read the Book!!!

Paul – 090513


New member
This is a good example why there is No one seeking after God today!!

God says, ( “Search the Scriptures” ), ( “Learn of Me” ), ( “Think on these things” ), and ( 1 Timothy 4:13 KJV – 13- “Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine” ). --//-- If you have done that, then the Holy Ghost “WILL” guide you unto many different Secret Things of God, that no Fool can Vision, - like this one!!

If you do Read, and Read, and Read over, and over, and over again, and again, and again then you “WILL” See as Christ sees: > ( 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV ) – 12- “For now we see through a glass, darkly; (( But then face to face )): ( Now I know in part ); (((( But then shall I know even as also I am known” )))). --//-- If that is all Truth, Then things like the following are shown you.

Watch this ( VERY Closely ):
A Lost, but good hearted person Studies, and Studies and shows Christ that he is “Approved”, and Christ Sees His dead brother in the tomb of the heart, and Calls, - ((( Brother, “COME FORTH” )))!!! – ( AND ) This happens: >> ( Ephesians 2:6 KJV ) – 6- “And hath ( Raised us up together ), and ( Made us sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus )”. ---//--- Fools call their own vision of this, the ( “Rapture” )!! – However, the Truth of it is taken from: >> ( John 11:43 KJV ) – 43- “And when He thus had spoken, He cried with a loud voice, ((( Lazarus, “COME FORTH” ))). ---- Joses, or Lazarus was Jesus’ youngest Brother, the “Beloved Disciple”, or Joses, Lazarus, John, and finally, Barnabas. --- Read the Book!!!

Paul – 090513

Good morning Paul.
I wonder why it is that you speak in such a discourteous tone to the rest of us?
You are sharing "The Good news of Christ crucified and raised from the dead". These are comfortable words, joyous words, life giving words.
Yes, He also issued warning words but mainly He spoke of love, peace and forgiveness.
We all fall short but I am striving just as you are striving to live with
His sacrifice imprinted in my soul.
Peace! I wish you that peace which passes understanding.


New member
Good morning Paul.
I wonder why it is that you speak in such a discourteous tone to the rest of us?
You are sharing "The Good news of Christ crucified and raised from the dead". These are comfortable words, joyous words, life giving words.
Yes, He also issued warning words but mainly He spoke of love, peace and forgiveness.
We all fall short but I am striving just as you are striving to live with
His sacrifice imprinted in my soul.
Peace! I wish you that peace which passes understanding.

I Strive Not!! I Am at Peace in Christ, not in the Flesh among the worldy. - I do have to dwell in this body in the Carnal, but in Christ in the Spirit.
Everyone says they Believe / Have FAITH in Christ. --- Christ said to, “Take HEED unto Thyself and the ( Doctrine )”, - and NO ONE ever does. - They are All smarter than God!! --- Is this the Truth or Not: >>-- (( Romans 3:10-12 KJV ))?????

Thank You bybee!!

Paul – 090513