Violence begets third world poverty

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i got hooked on these when I was taking a soc course last year - i wish they'd provide transcripts - i don't often have time to listen to the whole thing

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
"most poor people live outside the protection of the law"

and those retards in black lives matter want to make their own communities even more lawless :doh:

btw - his hair is really annoying

good speaker though :thumb:

i used to enjoy listening to stuff like this when i had the interwebs at home, while i was doing dishes or laundry


World's largest arms exporters ([2012-2016)

Units are in Trend Indicator Values expressed as millions of U.S. dollars at 1990s prices.
The following are estimates from Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Rank - Suppliers - $(US)
1 United States $47,169,000,000
2 Russia $33,186,000,000
3 China $8,768,000,000
4 France $8,561,000,000
5 Germany $7,912,000,000
6 United Kingdom $6,586,000,000
7 Spain $3,958,000,000
8 Italy $3,823,000,000
9 Ukraine $3,677,000,000
10 Israel $3,233,000,000
The usual suspects are listed who benefit financially by providing the weapons that perpetuate violence throughout the world!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
if you listen to the talk, it doesn't involve weapons

in fact, one example was a woman living in oregon who called 911 and was told that, if the man breaking into her house assaulted her, she should call the sherrif's office on monday and report it, because due to budget cuts, they couldn't respond

betcha she wished she had a gun to defend herself

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and who's buying all those arms jg is wringing his hands over?

is it the poorest of the poor, those the speaker talks about in central america and africa?




Arms shipments account for 4% of the world's GDP - those are precious funds that are not available for humanitarian and administrative functions, but are used to
fuel endless cycles of political, economic and social turmoil.

Those locations mentioned un the video are all areas that have been subject to political unrest where different groups are locked in armed struggles struggles - vying for power for decades, where the administration of law and justice has ceased to exist.

Whatever political and economic infrastructure, and social cohesion that once existed has been destroyed - replaced by the "law of the jungle!"
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actually, you're not far from the truth

but i suspect you won't take the twenty minutes to listen to it

the correct answer is "compassion" and "justice"

which are best derived from God :)

No, they're best derived from the dude I'm in the middle of listening to.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Arms shipments account for 4% of the world's GDP - that's money that's being diverted from humanitarian uses...


there's no reason to believe that if arms shipments ended, that money would even exist, much less be targeted towards "humanitarian uses"

and i strongly suspect that you would not recognize law enforcement as a "humanitarian use"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
prolly worth its own thread, but I've got a lot of schoolwork to plow through tonight

'Ferguson Effect': FBI Says Biased Media Narratives Lead to Violence Against Police

A recent FBI study showed that one-sided media reporting and social media posts about officer-involved shooting incidents lead to further episodes of violence against police.

"This is real," former secret service agent Dan Bongino said. "The Ferguson effect is very real."

The study said that in the aftermath of many officer-involved shootings, the suspect involved was found to have been subjected to reports of police misconduct by the press and on social media.

Bongino, a former Maryland congressional candidate, said he speaks with police officers regularly and they tell him they have become apprehensive because of the ongoing media narrative.

He said they are now less likely to intervene in situations unless they are expressly called by their dispatcher to do so, in case they should risk a "YouTube moment."

"If they're not called out on a radio run, they won't stop for a discretionary police action because they could end up on YouTube," he said.

and the poor get poorer


prolly worth its own thread, but I've got a lot of schoolwork to plow through tonight

'Ferguson Effect': FBI Says Biased Media Narratives Lead to Violence Against Police

A recent FBI study showed that one-sided media reporting and social media posts about officer-involved shooting incidents lead to further episodes of violence against police.

"This is real," former secret service agent Dan Bongino said. "The Ferguson effect is very real."

The study said that in the aftermath of many officer-involved shootings, the suspect involved was found to have been subjected to reports of police misconduct by the press and on social media.

Bongino, a former Maryland congressional candidate, said he speaks with police officers regularly and they tell him they have become apprehensive because of the ongoing media narrative.

He said they are now less likely to intervene in situations unless they are expressly called by their dispatcher to do so, in case they should risk a "YouTube moment."

"If they're not called out on a radio run, they won't stop for a discretionary police action because they could end up on YouTube," he said.

and the poor get poorer

Nothing new.

Urban ghettos have had problems with 911 responses since the very inception of the program.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Nothing new.

Urban ghettos have had problems with 911 responses since the very inception of the program.

if you were a cop, would you want to go in there?

especially now, when you're more likely than not to end up on youtube?


if you were a cop, would you want to go in there?

especially now, when you're more likely than not to end up on youtube?

Well, if we can't solve domestic issues such as may the global ones be solved?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
when i was teaching in the urban schools, we dint count on getting much done on monday, as the kids would all be talking about the weekend events in their neighborhoods - shootings, stabbings, arrests, prostitution, drugs, gang-banging....