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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Isn't socialism a grand thing to witness when it comes into full bloom? The lefties in this country don't even realize that utopia does not exist yet they seek to fashion the rope to hang themselves with in spite of it. These images are what California will look like someday when the socialist crowd gets their way...


New member
Isn't socialism a grand thing to witness when it comes into full bloom? The lefties in this country don't even realize that utopia does not exist yet they seek to fashion the rope to hang themselves with in spite of it. These images are what California will look like someday when the socialist crowd gets their way...
Those who follow the party line in the education process will never feel the damaging results. California is a prime example. The top 30 percent does quite well thank you.

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The Horn

The mess in Venezuela isn't the result of "socialism ". It's the result of government incompetence, stupidity and greed .
You guys at TOL don't even know what socialism is . I've never met an American conservative who does . The US economy became an unholy mess because of the greed , incompetence and stupidity of the Repugnican party . They're ruined it with their disastrous supply side, "trickle down" economics, put in place by their hero Ronald Reagan .
Prosperity does not "trickle down". It never has and never will . Economic messes have happened under both communist and capitalist governments . The notion that "socialism is bad " and "capitalism is good " is ridiculously simplistic .


The mess in Venezuela isn't the result of "socialism ". It's the result of government incompetence, stupidity and greed .
You guys at TOL don't even know what socialism is . I've never met an American conservative who does . The US economy became an unholy mess because of the greed , incompetence and stupidity of the Repugnican party . They're ruined it with their disastrous supply side, "trickle down" economics, put in place by their hero Ronald Reagan .
Prosperity does not "trickle down". It never has and never will . Economic messes have happened under both communist and capitalist governments . The notion that "socialism is bad " and "capitalism is good " is ridiculously simplistic .

Right horn. Great job down there in Venezuela. You trippin fool

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i was gonna respond to him and figgered it wasn't worth the bother

thehorn is a perfect example of why universal sufferage in america should be ended

The Horn

Look what's going to happen in AMERICA if Trump and his sleazy toadies get their way . Millions of Americans will be without health care , and many will DIE from ailments, diseases etc which could easily have been prevented with Obama care .
The Trump "administration " will do incalculable harm to millions of Americans if it isn't stopped soon . There will be ever greater unemployment, poverty,& helplessness here .
They're going to get rid of absolutely essential protection to the environment , and more and more Americans will be sickened by all this mass pollution and lack of regulation . And they won't get
the health care they need under Trump .
I just can't understand why so many Americans were foolish and misinformed enough to vote for this large scale con man Trump. They voted against their own interests .


Look what's going to happen in AMERICA if Trump and his sleazy toadies get their way . Millions of Americans will be without health care , and many will DIE from ailments, diseases etc which could easily have been prevented with Obama care .
The Trump "administration " will do incalculable harm to millions of Americans if it isn't stopped soon . There will be ever greater unemployment, poverty,& helplessness here .
They're going to get rid of absolutely essential protection to the environment , and more and more Americans will be sickened by all this mass pollution and lack of regulation . And they won't get
the health care they need under Trump .
I just can't understand why so many Americans were foolish and misinformed enough to vote for this large scale con man Trump. They voted against their own interests .

You're a pre-existing condition. Get help

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The Horn

OK Doser, millions won't be able to AFFORD health care if the Trump administration gets its way . Duh !


New member
They can t afford health care now with outrageous premiums and deductibles. Remove all the mandates and people can go back to purchasing insurance plans they could afford. Put high risk people into high risk insurance pools. Give subsidies to can't afford high risk insurance or put them on Medicaid.

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New member
The mess in Venezuela isn't the result of "socialism ". It's the result of government incompetence, stupidity and greed .
You guys at TOL don't even know what socialism is . I've never met an American conservative who does . The US economy became an unholy mess because of the greed , incompetence and stupidity of the Repugnican party . They're ruined it with their disastrous supply side, "trickle down" economics, put in place by their hero Ronald Reagan .
Prosperity does not "trickle down". It never has and never will . Economic messes have happened under both communist and capitalist governments . The notion that "socialism is bad " and "capitalism is good " is ridiculously simplistic .
I'm not sure what you're referring to as a holy mess but the middle class has seen its wages stagnate or drop since 1973 and worse since 2000. The only mess I know of is the disappearance of good jobs since the unfair trade practices like NAFTA and burdensome regulations and the unnecessary high price of energy.

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