Venezuela’s government accepts proposal for Vatican mediation


[Venezuela’s government accepts proposal for Vatican mediation in crisis AP] :eek:linger: "Opposition leader Ernesto Samper will ask Pope Francis to send a representative to the country

President Nicolas Maduro has accepted a proposal by the opposition to ask the Vatican to facilitate dialogue with Venezuela’s socialist government.

The Union of South American Nations’ Secretary General Ernesto Samper met late on Thursday with Maduro and afterward announced that he would ask Pope Francis to send a representative to Venezuela. Samper was in Caracas along with former Spanish President Jose Luiz Rodriguez Zapatero in an effort to revive a two-month-old attempt to bring the sides together to resolve the country’s economic and political crisis.

The opposition has pushed for Pope Francis’s intervention but also conditions its support for dialogue on the release of people it considers political prisoners and a commitment by Maduro to hold a recall referendum this year.

Vatican spokesman, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, said on Friday that “in the past, the Holy See has manifested its willingness, in case the basis is there for its contribution to the dialogue.”

He added: “However, at the moment, no formal communication has reached the Nunciature or the Secretariat of State spelling out the substance and details of such a request.”" Venezuela’s government accepts proposal for Vatican mediation in crisis Re 17:5