Vatican Announces Jesus is NOT coming Back!


New member
If you ever had any doubt whether or not the Roman Catholic hierarchy
had abandoned the Apostolic faith in favour of Modernism,
this should settle the question for you:

Jesus is NOT Coming BACK – Roman Catholic Leaders SAID

A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican (Roman Catholic) has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.

Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth.
“We just feel Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it.” he said. “It’s been ages like. He’s probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else.”
Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in chapter John 14:1-3 of the bible:

“There are many homes up where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly”
The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming “he was probably drinking wine” at the time when he made the comments.
“Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs.” added Cardinal Salvadore. “We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.”
The church said it will now focus attentions on rebuilding its reputation around the world, but will keep an optimistic mind for the savior’s second coming.


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Greatest poster ever
Their going to say that because they believe Jesus is already here.

The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh." Catholic National July 1895.

1.) The quote is said to have appeared from an English Protestant publication (October 3, 1895), not a Catholic one. As an aside, that quote had also appeared earlier from another Protestant magazine entitled Evangelical Christendom in January 1 of that year.

2.) The actual words of Cardinal Sarto (later Pope Pius X; he only became Pope in 1903) says that the Pope represents Jesus Christ, not that he is Jesus Christ, as this misquote (and those who use them) loves to say.​


User Name

Greatest poster ever
If you ever had any doubt whether or not the Roman Catholic hierarchy
had abandoned the Apostolic faith in favour of Modernism,
this should settle the question for you:

Jesus is NOT Coming BACK – Roman Catholic Leaders SAID

Recently, some protestants and Catholics have been outraged by a fake news story that appeared on the satirical Waterford Whisper News (WWN) site about a month ago. The Onion-style article asserted that a Vatican spokesman named Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore said the Roman Catholic Church has decided to stop waiting for the second coming of Christ.​

Read more at the source:


Well-known member
If you ever had any doubt whether or not the Roman Catholic hierarchy
had abandoned the Apostolic faith in favour of Modernism,
this should settle the question for you:

Okay, your thread / post / article was a complete and utter load of made-up crap that you bought into and turned around and tried to pawn off as real. That's settled.

Here's a question for you, Nazaroo: Why don't I think you're going to learn anything from it?


Eclectic Theosophist
Jesus returning.............

Jesus returning.............

The short answer is easy:

You haven't learned anything from it yourself.

Dear Naz,...I only read the clip you provided but not the whole article linked, and did get a chuckle :)

I think there are more subtle ways to denounce the RCC than this plug ;)

I must say however that Catholic views on eschatology are a bit interesting as far as the second coming goes, the Millenium and other such end time events. Perhaps Cruciform could start a thread on Catholicism's view of the second coming, if he hasn't already.

I offer no opinon on such for the time being, but note the different views and opinions on it.



New member
Hall of Fame
I hope occasionally that he's just trolling or putting us on but what I fear is that we're witnessing the genuine mental deterioration of a person who's deeply ill and totally out of touch with reality.

It's not even funny anymore.


New member
Nazaroo, Although this piece was obviously satire, fear not. It taps into what they've been thinking for quite some time. ;)