Various news items, mostly from Europe


Well-known member
Transgender and pansexual parents are raising their child as gender-fluid

Local council "advises" people, who did not ask, on how many Brussel sprouts they should/should not eat

Couple ordered to remove wreath from door - 'elf n' safety risk

Animals systematically raped in Germany as bestiality becomes "lifestyle choice" (next stop...marriage)

Nation with no gun crime sees man with shotgun nearly blow another man's head off outside store

Representative of the Religion of Peace wonders about new wife's virginity, nearly cuts her head off

Four of his co-religionists arrested for plotting their peculiar and whimsical brand of Peace

German politician assumes invaders can read, will stop raping women because of wrist bands

Only half of European food recalls are ever publicized

French mayors beg for help, cities cannot cope with imposed immigration

Half-naked Mohammedan almost beats random elderly lady to death on the street

And now over to Jim with sports.


Well-known member
Reminder: in 2016, Sweden opened a rape crisis center for men, reportedly the first of its kind in the world.

Now what factor could have prompted them to only now open such a clinic? :think:



Various news items, mostly from Europe

Virtually all these European nations of whom "Musterion" disapproves have average life expectancies exceeding that of the US and none of their politicians rushed home to celebrate Christmas this year, leaving 9 million of their nations' most vulnerable children without medical insurance!

patrick jane

Various news items, mostly from Europe

Virtually all these European nations of whom "Musterion" disapproves have average life expectancies exceeding that of the US and none of their politicians rushed home to celebrate Christmas, leaving 9 million of their nations' most vulnerable children without medical insurance!
Fake News


Fake News


Life expectancy at birth compares the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year, if mortality at each age remains constant in the future. Life expectancy at birth is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country and summarizes the mortality at all ages.

1 Monaco 89.40 2017 est.
2 Japan 85.30 2017 est.
3 Singapore 85.20 2017 est.
4 Macau 84.60 2017 est.
5 San Marino 83.30 2017 est.
6 Iceland 83.10 2017 est.
7 Hong Kong 83.00 2017 est.
8 Andorra 82.90 2017 est.
9 Guernsey 82.60 2017 est.
10 Switzerland 82.60 2017 est.
11 Korea, South 82.50 2017 est.
12 Israel 82.50 2017 est.
13 Luxembourg 82.30 2017 est.
14 Australia 82.30 2017 est.
15 Italy 82.30 2017 est.
16 Sweden 82.10 2017 est.
17 France 81.90 2017 est.
18 Norway .90 2017 est. 81.90 2017 est.
19 Liechtenstein 81.90 2017 est.
20 Jersey 81.90 2017 est.
21 Canada 81.90 2017 est.
22 Spain 81.80 2017 est.
23 Austria 81.60 2017 est.
24 Anguilla 81.50 2017 est.
25 Netherlands 81.40 2017 est.
26 Bermuda 81.40 2017 est.
27 New Zealand 81.30 2017 est.
28 Cayman Islands 81.30 2017 est.
29 Isle of Man 81.30 2017 est.
30 Belgium 81.10 2017 est.
31 Finland 81.00 2017 est.
32 Puerto Rico 80.90 2017 est.
33 Ireland 80.90 2017 est.
34 Germany 80.80 2017 est.
35 United Kingdom 80.80 2017 est.
36 Greece 80.70 2017 est.
37 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 80.60 2017 est.
38 Faroe Islands 80.50 2017 est.
39 Malta 80.50 2017 est.
40 Taiwan 80.20 2017 est.
41 European Union 80.20 2017 est.
42 Turks and Caicos Islands 80.00 2017 est.
43 United States 80.00 2017 est.

Life expectancy is the measure of the overall quality of life in a country where America ranks 43rd, below most European countries!

I deliberately used the CIA World Factbook as my source so that "patrick jane" couldn't dismiss it as "fake" - although the "Trump crowd" dismisses that doesn't conform to their alternate facts as anything "fake!"


Life expectancy is the measure of the overall quality of life in a country where America ranks 43rd, below most European countries!

I deliberately used the CIA World Factbook as my source so that "patrick jane" couldn't dismiss it as "fake" - although the "Trump crowd" dismisses that doesn't conform to their alternate facts as anything "fake!"
So the average life expectancy of the EU is 80, and the average life expectancy of the US is 80, same difference. The US is 50 different countries, how many are the EU? What would the highest life expectancy states in the Union be? How do they compare with the EU's top states?


Well-known member
In the news...

"Gender stereotyping" will be blocked in ads starting next year; "traditional mothers" to be downplayed

No Christmas trees...Mohammedans might be offended.

Sex puppet pimp says conference cancelled...Mohammedans might be offended.

Mohammedan preacher says men without beards resemble women, inspire lust in good Mohammedans

Sweden: Mohammedans gang-rape teen; are allowed to remain in school because rapists "are victims too"

Sweden: Mohammedan rapes recuperating cancer survivor

The lights continue to go out in Europe as the canary in the coal mine prepares to leave (will need to translate it)


Well-known member
Tonight at eleven we'll have these stories . . .

Minneapolis police to cut back on psych testing for recruits; too many minorities being weeded out (and you know who "minorities" means)

India: Mohammedan preacher tells Red Cross to stop using a red offensive to Mohammedans.

U.S.: the mentally incapacitated LOVE the Republican's tax plan, as long as they're told it's Bernie's



Well-known member
And this is a prime example of what the communists' "useful idiot" looks like. Not because the young man is grossly misinformed, which he is, but because you can see his mind grasping the point the interviewer is making, yet his Leftist (and now Mohammedan) programming kicks like a reflex, forcing him find a way to deny the obvious. Sad to watch.


Right Divider

Body part
And this is a prime example of what the communists' "useful idiot" looks like. Not because the young man is grossly misinformed, which he is, but because you can see his mind grasping the point the interviewer is making, yet his Leftist (and now Mohammedan) programming kicks like a reflex, forcing him find a way to deny the obvious. Sad to watch.

The term "strong delusion" immediately comes to mind.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
And this is a prime example of what the communists' "useful idiot" looks like. Not because the young man is grossly misinformed, which he is, but because you can see his mind grasping the point the interviewer is making, yet his Leftist (and now Mohammedan) programming kicks like a reflex, forcing him find a way to deny the obvious. Sad to watch.

The term "strong delusion" immediately comes to mind.
No kidding.
Makes you wonder just how much more inept people are going to act about real history.

The Romans destroyed the Muslim temple in 70 A.D., destroyed the Muslim city of Jerusalem, and scattered the Muslims.
haha! Just how stupid does one have to be to say something as ridiculous as that?



So the average life expectancy of the EU is 80, and the average life expectancy of the US is 80, same difference. The US is 50 different countries, how many are the EU? What would the highest life expectancy states in the Union be? How do they compare with the EU's top states?

Does anybody in the Trump Administration or the Republican Party really believe that this new tax legislation will improve the nation's healthcare - by allowing citizens to opt out, dramatically increasing insurance premiums and pricing 13 million of the American's poorest citizens out of "Obamacare?"

What ever happened to that Trump promise that, if elected, he would provide better and more affordable healthcare insurance available to every American?

In Canada, where Trump's promise is a reality and every citizen has access to medical care irrespective of income, the average life expectancy is approximately 2 years longer than their US counterparts - while spending far less of the nation's GDP on healthcare!

What are 2 years of your life, and those of your loved ones, worth - especially if the final price tag for a longer life expectancy would be far less than what you're currently paying?
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
News is what it is, useful idiot.

Well, that would still be one more use than you then. What you supply isn't "news", it's akin to what aCW spams his blog with. Searched out articles in order to exaggerate a position that isn't there. You've embarrassed yourself plenty already by appointing yourself an 'expert' on the state of other countries because you've read a few internet articles on far right blogs and tabloid press.

You're the stereotypical, far right religious zealot. You're not interested in an even handed and objective approach to news/current events as that doesn't fit in with your preconceived biases. You can't (or refuse to) think outside of your doctrinal box which in turn leads to getting "news" from crank sites, being prone to tin pot conspiracy theories and an aversion to science outside of the fringe. Legalism and pompous judgmentalism trumps love, understanding and compassion in such a view as your insidious signature continues to demonstrate. It's almost uncanny how much people like you have in common with legalists and the 'teachers of the law' of old, yet that irony likely won't register with one such as yourself.

Seasons greetings!


The Barbarian

What ever happened to that Trump promise that, if elected, he would provide better and more affordable healthcare insurance available to every American?

Same thing as happened to:

"I'll release my tax returns after the election."
"There will be so much winning, you'll be bored of winning."
"I'll make America Great Again."
"I'll repeal Obamacare."
"(countless other promises)"

No one, from investors in his schemes, Putin, the republican party, the three wives he cheated on, etc. has ever trusted him without living to regret it.

patrick jane

Does anybody in the Trump Administration or the Republican Party really believe that this new tax legislation will improve the nation's healthcare - by allowing citizens to opt out, dramatically increasing insurance premiums and pricing 13 million of the American's poorest citizens out of "Obamacare?"

What ever happened to that Trump promise that, if elected, he would provide better and more affordable healthcare insurance available to every American?

In Canada, where Trump's promise is a reality and every citizen has access to medical care irrespective of income, the average life expectancy is approximately 2 years longer than their US counterparts - while spending far less of the nation's GDP on healthcare!

What are 2 years of your life, and those of your loved ones, worth - especially if the final price tag for a longer life expectancy would be far less than what you're currently paying?
Trump lowers life expectancy.