Vaccine mandates not obeyed at the CDC


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Never mind that the covid vaccine has been proven to cause death and injury in young peoplem and not porevent vaccinated individuals from getting covid, the fascist democrats in America are still brutally imposing their unhealthy and unreasonable mandates all across America on those who cannot reasonably fight back. That is sad. Career military heroes have been punished or dismissed by the military because Biden's stooges in charge still enforce his evil mandates.

But those who work for the CDC get a pass because Biden needs the CDC to support his evil vaccine mandates for those mandates to be enforced by democrat fascists around the country.

Nearly 400 employees at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, according to data obtained exclusively by The Epoch Times.

Three hundred and 82 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated, Roger Andoh, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer at the agency, told The Epoch Times.