uplifting story... Dana Perino RE protecting unborn


New member
I can't find the video of that particular clip @ Foxnews.com but anyway, Dana Perino (spelling?) had a lovely talk on Megyn Kelly RE protecting "the innocent" i.e children as-yet-unborn

She said it had to do with integrity (whether a candidate was pro life or not)

well, we all know Clinton is pro-abortion, probably believes in abortion on demand.. partial birth abortion. God knows.


She is NOT qualified to be president on THAT alone.

But if you disagree, consider: destroying gov records, not allowing We the People to see important gov info (RE Benghazi and who knows what all else)

I forgive Hillary, but that's beside the point..

I kinda feel sorry for her.. but again: beside the point

(I feel sorry for her b/c [of the obvious])

