Update from OK's Abolition Society


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Update from OK's Abolition Society

This is the show from Tuesday, April 24th 2012.


* DEADLINE EXTENDED TILL THURSDAY; PLEASE ASK THE OKLAHOMA GOVERNOR TO UNBLOCK THE PERSONHOOD BILL: It is crucial that we all call Gov. Mary Fallin through Thursday April 26th to help our friends at PersonhoodOK.com. They'll ask you if you're calling to support or oppose the personhood bill. "I'm calling to support personhood and to urge the governor to find a way to get Bill 1433 to her desk." Hey, if they don't vote pro-life, why should we vote for them? So please call Governor Mary Fallin, 405-557-7345, and for good measure email the Speaker of the House at krissteele@okhouse.gov: "I support Personhood! Please bring bill 1433 to a vote!"

* Colorado RTL in Studio About Oklahoma: Bob and guest host Leslie Hanks, vice-president of Colorado Right to Life, follow up from yesterday's show about the Oklahoma personhood bill and interview T Russell Hunter of the Oklahoma Abolitionist Society. Russell and his group don't want to regulate abortion they want to ABOLISH IT!

* Personhood USA Joins the Fight: Personhood USA is joining the call of the Oklahoma pro-life movement and the state’s pro-life legislators to bring SB 1433, the Personhood Act, to the House floor for an up or down vote before Thursday’s deadline. The group is asking Governor Mary Fallin to use her influence to dislodge the bill, request that it be sent to her desk for her signature, and affirm what has been scientifically evident for decades—human life, and therefore the right to life, begins at conception. Late last week, the Oklahoma House leadership, including Republican Speaker of the House Kris Steele, and under the guise of a unified caucus, chose to deny the Personhood Act a vote on the House floor, ignore the House Public Health Committee’s “do pass” recommendation, and buck the national and state Republican Party Platforms which support and affirm the personhood of every unborn child.

* Townhall.com: Repbulicans Nullifying Conservativism: Check out this important article by Steve Deace affirming personhood and urging the Oklahoma Republicans to get their act together and stop blocking the battle for the baby.

* Today's Resource: A pro-life hero said it best: For the rest of my life, I'm indebted to you. I got your documentary, Focus on the Strategy II. You gave me seven simple words, and I will never look at another piece of pro-life legislation without saying those words. It's a bad law if it concludes, "and then you can kill the baby." - U.S. Congressman Bob Dornan

* The Latest Must-See Creation DVD: Bob highly recommends the fabulous new creation video, Programming of Life! "This is the video that I've been waiting 20 years to see!" -Russ Holmes, board operator, BEL