Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US


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Up to 50 Trump Supporters Have Homes Raided by DOJ-FBI Across the US

On Friday afternoon Steve Bannon told Charlie Kirk that 35 Trump allies had their homes raided by the FBI on Thursday.
Bannon: “The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.”

Steve Bannon joined Charlie Kirk on Real America’s Voice on Thursday to break the news.
Steve Bannon: You saw from the demonic speech that Biden gave in Philadelphia that this is a dying regime. That was a primal scream. And here what they’re trying to do, no matter who it is whether Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. There were 35 FBI raids last night. Right. And there’s another grand jury coming together on January 6th, the Washington Post reported it. THIRTY-FIVE Senior Members of MAGA! of Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that the FBI rolled in on. When they didn’t need to do it. Right? All these people have lawyers. The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.

This has never happened in American history!
The evil regime has gone rogue!
On Friday night attorney Harmeet Dhillon went on with Tucker Carlson to discuss the mass FBI raids on Trump supporters.

Harmeet told Tucker that up to 50 Trump supporters may be involved in these raids.
At least one liberal reporter was tipped off to the FBI raids before they took place.
Harmeet Dhillon: The subpoenas are intentionally broad. They’re from the “Capitol Siege Section” of the United States Department of Justice DC Office. And they ask for broad categories of documents. They ask for all communications dated from a month before the election until two months after the election. And they ask for all communications regarding dozens of people. And the categories are alternate electors, fundraising around irregularities around the election, and also a rally that happened before the January 6 situation at the Capitol. The Save America Rally that happened. Basically, all of this activity if not all of it is protected by the First Amendment. And the United States Department of Justice is telling reporters about the search warrants and subpoenas before they’re executed… This is really outrageous abuse by the DOJ.
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Precisely my reaction. The devotion that MAGA has for Putin the KGB agent is off the charts, along with the irony meter.
Almost hysterical ain't it? If you were anything left of centre on here you'd often be branded a Marxist/communist and yet here we are with a bunch of far right dopes practically applauding a communist despot and his warmongering.

way 2 go

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Republicans are learning that when they commit election fraud and try to steal an election, there are consequences:

Donald Trump had a meltdown on Truth Social late Tuesday after MyPillow exec Mike Lindell said his cellphone had been confiscated by the feds while he was dining out at a Hardee’s restaurant.

“Breaking News: Mike Lindell, ‘THE Pillow Guy,’ was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all,” the twice-impeached former president wrote.

He went on to declare, “Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!”

Trump’s borderline hysterical reaction to the news appeared to mirror that of Lindell himself, who claimed on Facebook that he’d been “surrounded” by FBI agents who took away his livelihood by confiscating the phone.

The phone was reportedly seized in connection with a 2021 breach of voting machines in Mesa County, Colorado, allegedly carried out by Tina Peters, the county clerk now facing state felony charges for the alleged tampering.
