Unwed Moms Explode on Bush Watch

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Unwed Moms Explode on Bush Watch

Wednesday November 22nd, 2006.


* Almost 2 of every 5: babies born to unwed mothers after the leadership and policies enacted over the past years of a Republican administration and Congress, hurting kids at an all-time high illegitimacy rate of nearly 40-percent.

* Winter Lull in Warming Hype: Contradicting the claims of global warming, the Antarctic ice sheet is GROWING, not shrinking!

* Anything Good in China? Yes, at least one thing: A Chinese court has severely punished a handful of criminals, called p-o-r-n-o-g-r-a-p-h-e-r-s, who sexually exploit women. If the ACLU had their way, adult bookstores could legally stack their shelves with child pornography.

* Trenton Duckett's Grandfather: Accused CNN's Nancy Grace of being "judge, jury, and executioner" of Melinda Duckett, but that accusation should be aimed at his 21-year-old daughter, mother of missing 2-year-old Trenton, who killed herself after refusing to answer questions of her whereabouts during Trenton's disappearance.

* Abortionist Holiday Home Visit: Denver Christians will visit a Planned Parenthood abortionist's home tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning, to discourage medical students from entering the child-killing industry, and also, so that the BEL community does not permit abortionists to kill kids with tranquility! So if you can be in Aurora CO tomorrow, please join us at 9 am at the Winchell's Donut shop at Evans and Monico.

* Two Shopping Days Left: until black Friday, when BEL joins Operation Save America and Flip Benham in their protest at Denver-area Wal-Marts. If you're in Colorado, please join us at the Wal-Mart stores at 8:30 am at I-70 & Youngsfield, 10 am at Wadsworth & Colfax, and 11:30 am at 95th & Sheridan. See you there!

Today's Resources: You can subscribe to Bob's Sunday Sermons! To hear Bob's Thanksgiving Sermon about the pilgrims, and the #2 bestselling book next to the Bible for centuries, Pilgrim's Progress, and how that history supports the dispensational teachings of BEL and Denver Bible Church, consider subscribing to Bob's Sunday Sermons!
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"Denver Christians will visit a Planned Parenthood abortionist's home tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning..."

You're kidding, right?


New member
Hall of Fame
BillyBob said:
"Denver Christians will visit a Planned Parenthood abortionist's home tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning..."

You're kidding, right?


Oh brother.


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Hall of Fame
* Abortionist Holiday Home Visit: Denver Christians will visit a Planned Parenthood abortionist's home tomorrow, Thanksgiving morning, to discourage medical students from entering the child-killing industry, and also, so that the BEL community does not permit abortionists to kill kids with tranquility! So if you can be in Aurora CO tomorrow, please join us at 9 am at the Winchell's Donut shop at Evans and Monico.
So how'd it go?


New member
BillyBob said:
See, I would have expected that sorta thing from Clinton, not Bush.

If you could really look at the birth rates closely you would find that the out of wedlock mothers were teenage mothers. Since the Government gives a Check for each kid they pump out, they get a pay raise for their current Stud that is living off this money. If we would Cut off the Money for each kid born, you would soon find that they would quit pumping out the babies they don't want to begin with. In the California county that we live in you would think that there are no abortions, but their are, it must be working women. In our town, they keep pumping out babies until their baby machines are too old to pump out anymore. Ryan

The Berean

Well-known member
What does the President have anything to do with single women having children? Most of them are having sex just for pleasure and give no thought as to getting pregnant. Usually, they have the "it can't happen to me" mindset. It's simply selfishness IMO.
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New member
The Berean said:
What does the President have anything to do q=with single women having children? Most of them are having sex just for pleasure and give no thought as to getting pregnant. Usually, they have the "it can't happen to me" mindset. It's simply selfishness IMO.

Most of these women want some guy telling them they care for them, while at the same time using them for their babies check, so the guy doesn't have to work. Next time you go to a store and see an unmarried unpaid whore, look at the guy she is with, see if he looks as if he is employed?


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Hall of Fame
On Bush's watch? What's he got to do with unwed mothers? And why is this happening while a pro-life Christian is president?


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MrRyanPeters said:
Most of these women want some guy telling them they care for them, while at the same time using them for their babies check, so the guy doesn't have to work. Next time you go to a store and see an unmarried unpaid whore, look at the guy she is with, see if he looks as if he is employed?

Okay, how do we tell who are these unmarried unpaid whores? And how does a person 'look' as if they're employed or not?

This reminds me of the woman who called BEL saying that you could tell who was the product of rape...

I'd like insight into how someone determines who's a whore and who's not just from looking at them...


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Granite said:
On Bush's watch? What's he got to do with unwed mothers? And why is this happening while a pro-life Christian is president?
What makes you think Bush is pro-life??? He says openly he doesn't care wheter high court judges he nominates are pro-life.


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Morphy said:
What makes you think Bush is pro-life??? He says openly he doesn't care wheter high court judges he nominates are pro-life.


He paid you people lip service, which used to be good enough. Now that you're getting a clue and realizing the GOP's taken you all for a ride, you have reason to be angry. You should be. But this is based on what the man says. In any event the OP made it sound as though the pregnancies were Bush's fault, and I think that's simply absurd.

The Berean

Well-known member
Morphy said:
The welfare check for single mothers.
Ok, but I don't know of any single women that got pregnant specifically to get a welfare check. Most single women get pregnant because they have sex for pleasure and don't think about getting pregnant. The smart ones use contreceptives. Besides, a welfare check is NOT that much money. I have a friend whose 17 year old daughter got pregnant in 2005. Well, she's 18 now and she works and goes to school. she knows she made a mistake and her boyfriend doesn't care about being a dad. He just wanted to have sex with her and move on. She learned a very hard life lesson.
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