Unarmed Kind Hearted Generous Young Man Tries To Surprise Children With Car Ride...

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
... is viciously assaulted by crazed gun-wielding woman

no wait

Texas mother shoots man trying to steal car with children inside

A mother in Texas shot a carjacker who was stealing her vehicle while her two young children were inside, police say.
The woman jumped back into her SUV after the suspect got into the driver's seat at a Dallas petrol station on Wednesday night, according to police.
Police say she grabbed her gun and shot the carjacker in the face when he refused to stop, causing him to crash.
The woman's sons - aged two and four - were not hurt in the incident.
The alleged thief's condition is unknown, but the woman said she has a message for him.
"I wish I would've killed you, if I didn't already," she told CBS Dallas.

She had gone into the petrol station's convenience store when an employee alerted her that a man was entering her SUV.
She told local media she jumped into the back seat and told the man - later identified by police as 36-year-old Ricky Wright - to stop driving.
After he refused, she reached into the glove compartment to retrieve a handgun, and fired one shot at his face.

"I proceeded to jump in my backseat and told the gentleman to stop, to get out the car", she told KDFW-News. "He would not get out of the car."
"He turned around and looked at me. I reached over the arm rest to get to my glove compartment and that's when I fired at him."
She added: "I should have just emptied the whole clip but I didn't.
"I hope that woke him up."
Police say the man then crashed the car into a lamp pole. He was arrested and taken to hospital.
Police say the woman was questioned at the scene and released.
She is unlikely to face any charges, authorities add.



Staff member
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And people wonder why it's a bad idea to make it difficult for people to obtain a personal defense weapon.

The Barbarian

Great that she was able to protect her kids.

Not so great that she left a two-year-old and a four-year-old in the car with a loaded gun while going into a store. Yeah, it's hassle to bring them. But she was lucky. If the guy had a gun, she'd be dead and her kids would be missing. If the clerk hadn't been alert, who knows what would have happened to the kids?

If the gun was that easy to get out, likely the four-year old would have also been able to get to it. And a lot more people are shot by little kids playing with guns, than are shot by moms defending their kids.

This turned out well. But it very well could have been a tragedy.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Great that she was able to protect her kids.

Not so great that she left a two-year-old and a four-year-old in the car with a loaded gun while going into a store. Yeah, it's hassle to bring them. But she was lucky. If the guy had a gun, she'd be dead and her kids would be missing. If the clerk hadn't been alert, who knows what would have happened to the kids?

If the gun was that easy to get out, likely the four-year old would have also been able to get to it. And a lot more people are shot by little kids playing with guns, than are shot by moms defending their kids.

This turned out well. But it very well could have been a tragedy.
So, it's not possible that she (or her husband) has taught her children gun safety, that guns are not toys, and are to be respected?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
...a lot more people are shot by little kids playing with guns, than are shot by moms defending their kids....
That is not possible to determine right now. We don't really know how many defensive gun uses (DGU) there are, compared with gun related murders, shootings that injure but don't kill, negligent/unintentional shootings (including by kids), and shooting suicides. All those other things, we've got solid information on, but DGU is precipitously under-reported. It looks to be at least 1-10 times as frequent as shooting homicides, and could be 100 times more frequent or more, but again---we just don't know.

The Barbarian

So, it's not possible that she (or her husband) has taught her children gun safety, that guns are not toys, and are to be respected?

Four-year olds, should never be unsupervised if there is access to a gun, any more than you would give them unsupervised access to matches or to poisons.

No matter how mature they might seem, they lack the judgement to be trusted with such things.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Four-year olds, should never be unsupervised if there is access to a gun...

from the story as written, it's unclear whether or not the four year old was unsupervised or had access to the gun

but go ahead and act outraged at the possibility

it's also unclear whether the mother allowed the four year old to play with the loaded gun before going into the store

and it's unclear whether the mother encouraged the four year old to point the unloaded gun at the two year old and pull the trigger, while laughing wildly

we should be outraged over those two latter possibilities as well, don't you think?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
...annnnnnnd, i've had it with edge

just downloaded firefox

we shall see what we shall see

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


The Barbarian

from the story as written, it's unclear whether or not the four year old was unsupervised or had access to the gun

She left them in the car with the gun while she went into a store.

But go ahead and act outraged.

it's also unclear whether the mother allowed the four year old to play with the loaded gun before going into the store

She merely left it where it was accessible to the child.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
missed this earlier:
barbie said:
...unsupervised access to matches or to poisons...

so you, barbie, never left your kids in the car when they were 2 or 4, maybe strapped in a car seat, maybe sound asleep?
