UN Paid Russian Air Charters Hundreds of Millions while Putin Invaded Ukraine


This is the lead story on Fox News right now. I'm disappointed in the UN but not surprised given its makeup. Below that, the following story appears.


Can we risk the isolationist policies of Rand Paul in this changing world? Or should we just accept the American downfall and just look forward to the soon return of Jesus. As for other religions or non-religions, you're on your own.


New member

This is the lead story on Fox News right now. I'm disappointed in the UN but not surprised given its makeup. Below that, the following story appears.

Russia does hold a permanent seat on the UN security council, and thus a veto. Which guarantees that, no matter how undeserving they are, they will remain pretty important unless the UN is significantly reformed. There are probably at least a half-dozen nations more deserving of that seat, but there's no real clear path to changing it right now.

Can we risk the isolationist policies of Rand Paul in this changing world?

No. And there's virtually no chance of implementing them, even if he were somehow elected. We have too many ties to other nations to withdraw from them entirely.

Or should we just accept the American downfall and just look forward to the soon return of Jesus. As for other religions or non-religions, you're on your own.

I wouldn't count on your bus ticket home getting punched any time soon. I'm afraid you're going to have to slog through with the rest of us.
Russia does hold a permanent seat on the UN security council, and thus a veto. Which guarantees that, no matter how undeserving they are, they will remain pretty important unless the UN is significantly reformed. There are probably at least a half-dozen nations more deserving of that seat, but there's no real clear path to changing it right now.
I don't know that I'd say there were any countries more deserving than Russia. Many have bought into the fiction that the USA is the last remaining "Super Power". It wasn't true when it was first uttered and it's not true now. I would certainly classify China as a super power also. You are correct. There is no way to change the UN makeup. If it was me, I would have fought harder to make the Ukraine a NATO member, and I would not have come down on Russia for Chechnya.
No. And there's virtually no chance of implementing them, even if he were somehow elected. We have too many ties to other nations to withdraw from them entirely.
Rand Paul is trying to rein in both Congress and the Executive Branch for 55 years of mismanagement in one four year term. It ain't gonna happen.
I wouldn't count on your bus ticket home getting punched any time soon. I'm afraid you're going to have to slog through with the rest of us.
I am convinced I will die before the Rapture or Jesus comes back. I guess I'll be slogging with you.


New member
I don't know that I'd say there were any countries more deserving than Russia. Many have bought into the fiction that the USA is the last remaining "Super Power". It wasn't true when it was first uttered and it's not true now. I would certainly classify China as a super power also. You are correct. There is no way to change the UN makeup. If it was me, I would have fought harder to make the Ukraine a NATO member, and I would not have come down on Russia for Chechnya.

China certainly is a superpower of a sort, but a more qualified one than the US. Their relatively limited navy prevents them from projecting power all around the globe. That's changing fast, but for the moment it leaves them a regional power. Certainly they are an economic superpower already.

Rand Paul is trying to rein in both Congress and the Executive Branch for 55 years of mismanagement in one four year term. It ain't gonna happen.

Well, from my perspective, he largely speaks crazy to power.

I am convinced I will die before the Rapture or Jesus comes back. I guess I'll be slogging with you.

If it makes you feel any better, the same can be said of every Christian who has ever lived.