Ukraine is a WWIII powder keg


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Back before Russia began encircling Ukraine on three sides, we were some 'distance' from WWIII.

When Russia began building up their forces to invade, we got a little closer.

When Russia invaded, we got a little closer.

What's happened to our chances of global nuclear conflict in the meantime, over the past six weeks? Have the odds of WWIII remained the same since the invasion, or are we 'further away' from WWIII, or are we even closer now than when invasion first began?

What we have learned is that the Russians are acting like a mob of murderers over the past six weeks.

And so this general says:

We are closer to WWIII than ever before. In this generation. We can't be lulled into a false sense of security.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
International relations with Russia is beyond deterioration at this point, it's just disintegrating.

Here is an historical example of another world war powder keg situation.

The assassination precipitated WWI. It was a powder keg because all it took was someone flicking their cigrit butt and then it EXPLODED.

UKRAINE IS A WWIII POWDER KEG. It doesn't mean it's going to explode (and Lord God we pray that it doesn't), but it CAN.

The assassination sparking WWI was inspired by a relatively recent unilateral annexation.

Sound familiar? Ugh.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Point being, it might not be the West who assassinates Putin the Idiot. It might be Ukraine.

Then what?

way 2 go

Well-known member
.china thinks USA is the arsonist

and why it matters what china thinks



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Some of the types of things that can act like a lit cigrit thrown into a powder keg:

No no no no no no no

Nobody cares about World War III or nuclear Armageddon anymore!

Roe v Wade!


Well-known member
Back before Russia began encircling Ukraine on three sides, we were some 'distance' from WWIII.

When Russia began building up their forces to invade, we got a little closer.

When Russia invaded, we got a little closer.

What's happened to our chances of global nuclear conflict in the meantime, over the past six weeks? Have the odds of WWIII remained the same since the invasion, or are we 'further away' from WWIII, or are we even closer now than when invasion first began?

What we have learned is that the Russians are acting like a mob of murderers over the past six weeks.

And so this general says:

We are closer to WWIII than ever before. In this generation. We can't be lulled into a false sense of security.
One of the clearest signs of the approaching last days is global warfare.

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
One of the clearest signs of the approaching last days is global warfare.

Matthew 24:6
And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
Yeah but that happened in the buildup to WWI and to WWII too. You can't just parachute out of things because your pet eschatological theory seems like it's coming true. He's going to come in the clouds, when He does come. And He's going to come like a thief in the night. You just need to keep on preparing, preparation for the Day, that's the lesson from the Gospels, that's His lesson, be prepared, Boy Scouts.

Stay with us. Stay in this. We need to continue to fight against evil here and now, and not think that evil will soon be taken care of by not us. That may happen, that may not happen, but usually when I think "thief in the night", I don't think the night He's coming, that people are like, "He's coming tonight." I think He's going to come like a real thief in the night. Like no one expects Him. Not even Ffreeloader.

Right Divider

Body part
Yeah but that happened in the buildup to WWI and to WWII too. You can't just parachute out of things because your pet eschatological theory seems like it's coming true. He's going to come in the clouds, when He does come. And He's going to come like a thief in the night. You just need to keep on preparing, preparation for the Day, that's the lesson from the Gospels, that's His lesson, be prepared, Boy Scouts.
1Thess 5:1-4 (AKJV/PCE)
(5:1) But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. (5:2) For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. (5:3) For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. (5:4) But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

The "gospels" are not the schematic for the body of Christ.

Stay with us. Stay in this. We need to continue to fight against evil here and now, and not think that evil will soon be taken care of by not us. That may happen, that may not happen, but usually when I think "thief in the night", I don't think the night He's coming, that people are like, "He's coming tonight." I think He's going to come like a real thief in the night. Like no one expects Him. Not even Ffreeloader.

Gary K

New member
The West keeps getting Putin wrong mainly because they have taken the Blue Pill and just repeat the propaganda put out by primarily the United States government. They told all journalists that Putin would formally declare war on Ukraine, institute a draft, and call up all reservists. The Western Press continually denies the existence of any Ukrainian Nazis despite the fact that they are well documented and claims Zelensky could not be a neo-Nazi because he is Jewish and omits the fact that (1) his children were baptized and he is a non-practicing Jew, and (2) the Ukrainian Nazis were exterminating not just Jews, but Polish and Russians. No doubt, Zelensky became Christian because of the prejudice against Jews in Ukraine. But the US never prosecuted any Ukrainian Nazis because they were also ethnically cleansing Russians. Only the German Nazis were put on trial for killing the Jews — Ukrainian Nazis got a free pass.

Of course, Putin did nothing of the kind. But the stories in the Western press are continually pushing for World War III. They are always painting the picture that Russia is being defeated in order to pretend that the West can crush Russia. Nancy Pelosi declared a virtual war in Kyiv, making it clear that there would be no peace talks, and she will not accept anything but victory against Russia. Nowhere do we find the Western Press even acknowledging the existence of the Minsk Agreement that was also to allow the Donbas to secede if they held a free election since they objected to the revolution carried out by the West.

Amazing isn't it that Idolater started this thread when I brought up the Minsk Accords? The treaty signed by the Ukrainian government that says the Donbas region was to be self determining and allowed to join itself to whoever it wanted/desired. Instead it has now been at war with the Donbas region for another 8 years. It constantly shells the Donbas civilians and has been doing so since Ukraine promised to stop making war on Donbas which is why there was a need for the treaty in the first place.

This tells me Idolater is, at the very least, a Nazi sympathizer for he is defending Nazi behavior. The killing of innocent civilians without any cause other than hatred of them.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Amazing isn't it that Idolater started this thread when I brought up the Minsk Accords? The treaty signed by the Ukrainian government that says the Donbas region was to be self determining and allowed to join itself to whoever it wanted/desired. Instead it has now been at war with the Donbas region for another 8 years. It constantly shells the Donbas civilians and has been doing so since Ukraine promised to stop making war on Donbas which is why there was a need for the treaty in the first place.

This tells me Idolater is, at the very least, a Nazi sympathizer for he is defending Nazi behavior. The killing of innocent civilians without any cause other than hatred of them.

Ukraine has a history of resisting Moscow authority and authoritarianism, going all the way back to the Soviet era.

Meanwhile you proudly defy the only two political parties in this country who ever win elections, and wind up stumping for Putin the Immense Moron, like you do right here in this post. It's not like we don't have the obvious evidence. Your case in your defense is futile. You are an immoral autocrat's apologist. You've been 100% hoodwinked. You're the reason why stories about Russian interference in our elections held any water, because you actually exist, you un-American . . . .

Please just emigrate to Russia.

Gary K

New member
Ukraine has a history of resisting Moscow authority and authoritarianism, going all the way back to the Soviet era.

Meanwhile you proudly defy the only two political parties in this country who ever win elections, and wind up stumping for Putin the Immense Moron, like you do right here in this post. It's not like we don't have the obvious evidence. Your case in your defense is futile. You are an immoral autocrat's apologist. You've been 100% hoodwinked. You're the reason why stories about Russian interference in our elections held any water, because you actually exist, you un-American . . . .

Please just emigrate to Russia.
Oh yeah. History, CIA documentation, signed treaties, and much more hoodwinked me. Funny how facts are so evil they deceive me. :ROFLMAO:

And distrusting people who lie to me is just plain old stupidity. :rolleyes:

I understand what your meaning is. If I don't join the liars bandwagon I just don't fit in with them. Odd how eager you are to fit within that group. Why so eager to sell out any and all integrity you've ever possessed?

What is it you get in return? Nuclear war. Oh how desirable a reward for joining the liars club.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Amazing isn't it that Idolater started this thread when I brought up the Minsk Accords? The treaty signed by the Ukrainian government that says the Donbas region was to be self determining and allowed to join itself to whoever it wanted/desired. Instead it has now been at war with the Donbas region for another 8 years. It constantly shells the Donbas civilians and has been doing so since Ukraine promised to stop making war on Donbas which is why there was a need for the treaty in the first place.
Even assuming this is all true, Putin could have taken some military action against Ukraine short of a full-scale invasion. There is no justification for what is happening there now. Too many innocent people on both sides are being harmed.


Hall of Fame
Even assuming this is all true, Putin could have taken some military action against Ukraine short of a full-scale invasion. There is no justification for what is happening there now. Too many innocent people on both sides are being harmed.

Respectfully disagreeing with you. Only one party is 100 % guilty. My hopes is that every Russian butcher is obliterated along with Putin.