Typical bureaucratic shenanigans

Gary K

New member
If you really want to understand the power of the swamp here's your chance to get a glimpse of it. The power is great enough to stop the vast majority of House members from even reading the stimulus bill. And they were so gutless they wouldn't stand up to Pelosi enough to say no to voting on the 5500+ page bill 6 hours after the bill was released. As Pelosi says, you have to pass a bill to find out what's all in it. That tells us that neither the House nor the Senate actually writes any of the bills they pass. Teams of lawyers from special interest groups write their legislation for them and they just rubber stamp it.

There is no more representative government for we the people. Our Constitution is dead.


Gary K

New member
That article shows us just whose fault it is that we are in the situation we're in. It is we the people who for decades have laughed off the "stupidity" of government. They were busy increasing their power and showing us just how little they cared whether we approved or not of what they did, and we just kept on voting them back into office.

Yes, there has been voter fraud for years, but we just blithely accepted whatever we were told. Blind trust is never a smart move, and we the people have been blindly trusting people we knew were crooked as a dog's hind leg. We have been manipulated and controlled by the media for longer than I've been alive, and I'm closing in on 70.