Turbo's pick 8-24-03

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Caped Crusader
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by HollyJLynn
Originally posted by Leif
I have to say NO. I was beaten with a belt 2 times that I remember, and it was very terrifying. I thought my father was trying to kill me. He is now deceased but I would love to ask him WHY he felt it necessary to do that to me when I was a child. It still bothers me today, not a great deal but I still don't understand whipping your child. You can say a slap or spanking is fine but it's all just VIOLENCE and parents have to learn to keep their anger in check and not loose control and lash out. Today I would call the police if He ever tried to do that again.:nono: :cool:

Things have gotten so nuts these days. My gosh, I think spanking makes kids fear their parents, which is a good thing. It sure did to me. I was terrified of my father when I did something bad. And ya know what, when i did something bad, I knew it, and I knew what was to come. Needless to say, I avoided doing bad things pretty quick.

Guilt, in my opinion, is far worse than spanking. Guilt makes you feel like crap inside and after a while it wears down on you. Thats how my mom like to dicipline these days only because she can't really dicipline physically cause both my brother and I are adults now. But still, I can't imagine having that kind of a burdon of guilt on me as a child, I can only imagine how it would mess me up.
Beautiful point, Holly. :first:
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