trying to figure out what to believe on gay "marraige"


New member
OK, no true Christian believes in gayness, much less gay marriage, so called.

If a person wanted to marry a dog, would that be acceptable? No, everyone agrees that is perverse and unnatural.

But somehow homosexuals are not always seen as perverts...

Still, i believe in freedom and if someone wants to "marry".. a rock, that is his business.

The problem is that legalizing something makes it look legitimate. Think Roe v Wade... Murder is now acceptable to our "civilized" society.

Btw I blame Roe v Wade for vritually all the perversions we now see in the nation...(except that gayness has been around for awhile) but anyway...

what bothers me is the effect on children. Children will see gay couples and think: Oh, maybe i am gay... hmmm... maybe i should try it before condemning it like my parents do..

Parents are CRINGING... (to say the least)



New member
OK, no true Christian believes in gayness, much less gay marriage, so called.

If a person wanted to marry a dog, would that be acceptable? No, everyone agrees that is perverse and unnatural.

But somehow homosexuals are not always seen as perverts...

Still, i believe in freedom and if someone wants to "marry".. a rock, that is his business.

The problem is that legalizing something makes it look legitimate. Think Roe v Wade... Murder is now acceptable to our "civilized" society.

Btw I blame Roe v Wade for vritually all the perversions we now see in the nation...(except that gayness has been around for awhile) but anyway...

what bothers me is the effect on children. Children will see gay couples and think: Oh, maybe i am gay... hmmm... maybe i should try it before condemning it like my parents do..

Parents are CRINGING... (to say the least)


I believe that Freedom is a two-edged sword. If it cuts for me then it also cuts for you. So freedom of choice must be maintained and defended in a healthy free society. That does mean equality of rights "under the law". So, if persons wish to marry in a secular union their freedom to do so must be upheld. And likewise separation of church and state GUARANTEES freedom of choice in word and deed according to one's religious persuasion. This also must be upheld.
I want to be treated fairly. Therefore I can expect others also want to be treated fairly. I do not want to be forced to accept the unacceptable but must find a way to respect the rights of others.
It ain't easy Dearie!


Hall of Fame
OK, no true Christian believes in gayness, much less gay marriage, so called.

If a person wanted to marry a dog, would that be acceptable? No, everyone agrees that is perverse and unnatural.

But somehow homosexuals are not always seen as perverts...

Still, i believe in freedom and if someone wants to "marry".. a rock, that is his business.

The problem is that legalizing something makes it look legitimate. Think Roe v Wade... Murder is now acceptable to our "civilized" society.

Btw I blame Roe v Wade for vritually all the perversions we now see in the nation...(except that gayness has been around for awhile) but anyway...

what bothers me is the effect on children. Children will see gay couples and think: Oh, maybe i am gay... hmmm... maybe i should try it before condemning it like my parents do..

Parents are CRINGING... (to say the least)

IMO, gay marriage (of consenting adults) and abortion are not similar in any way shape or form.

As you know, unborn babies, are not capable of giving their consent to be killed while still in their mother's womb. A life is being ended by no fault of their own and because of another person's selfishness.

Regardless of whether or not you believe homosexuality is wrong, people do things we disagree with quite often that have the potential of being harmful and yet, they are legal.

IMO, if someone is a Christian who takes their values from the Bible, homosexuality is a sin in the same way that adultery, fornication, gluttony, etc. are sins.

However, being that we are a diverse nation that recognizes the freedom of religion as well as the freedom to reject religion, moral issues such as above are in the eye of the beholder and cannot be legislated.


New member
I believe that Freedom is a two-edged sword. If it cuts for me then it also cuts for you. So freedom of choice must be maintained and defended in a healthy free society. That does mean equality of rights "under the law". So, if persons wish to marry in a secular union their freedom to do so must be upheld. And likewise separation of church and state GUARANTEES freedom of choice in word and deed according to one's religious persuasion. This also must be upheld.
I want to be treated fairly. Therefore I can expect others also want to be treated fairly. I do not want to be forced to accept the unacceptable but must find a way to respect the rights of others.
It ain't easy Dearie!

your use of the separation of Church & state argument is not based on proper interpretation of the term

all the founders of this country meant by that term was that the gov must stay out of the Churches, not the other way around

all the Founders were Christians (some more than others, of course, but they all respected Holy Scirpture)



New member
However, being that we are a diverse nation that recognizes the freedom of religion as well as the freedom to reject religion, moral issues such as above are in the eye of the beholder and cannot be legislated.

well, yeh, but here's the thing:

i hate homosexuality (the acts, not the tendency to be attracted to the same sex)

and i am looking for ANY justification for outlawing it that i can...

I realize that God said so is not going to work in our pluralistic society...



New member
1.) Gay marriage is irrelevant to Christians because marriage is not a religious thing.... even in the Old Testament, marriage was part of the civil laws (just as it is in this country now) and not part of the religious law.

2.) Unless the government is forcing it on you, you really shouldn't have any issues with it because it is not causing you to sin.

3.) We must not let this degenerate into changing the age of majority, it is VERY important that we protect our children from adult activities before we are ready. I am mostly convinced that failure to protect children was the number one offense that God objected to when it comes to Sodom and Gomorrah. Their sexual activities were horrible, no doubt, but their imposing them on outsiders and having absolutely no self restraint shows they lacked any kind of compassion for their fellow humans.


New member
your use of the separation of Church & state argument is not based on proper interpretation of the term

all the founders of this country meant by that term was that the gov must stay out of the Churches, not the other way around

all the Founders were Christians (some more than others, of course, but they all respected Holy Scirpture)


Most were deists and would not argue one way or the other when it comes to religious rituals. Their main concern was a peaceful and thriving society where the pursuit of knowledge was high on their list of amiable goals.


Hall of Fame
well, yeh, but here's the thing:

i hate homosexuality (the acts, not the tendency to be attracted to the same sex)

and i am looking for ANY justification for outlawing it that i can...

Keep looking ... "I hate" isn't going to cut it.


New member
There are no studies that can support a biological cause for homosexuality using the same rigorous standards applied to other research. However, that hasn't stopped a plethora of inconclusive studies being promoted by the media as proof homosexuality is biological. With this ignorance clearly embraced the next step is to change God's laws and let children know it is ok to be homosexual from an early age, after all they were born that way (not).

Conspicuously, apparently there are so few principled scientists in the US willing to take a stand and call out this obvious discrepancy between real science and this garbage nor are there any principled psychologists (who very well understand the ability for children to be influenced by suggestion) willing to question our all out proliferation of homosexuality in public schools.

I blame the funding-based structure of research and caustic environment against Christians in that field that all but weeds out most Christians willing to take a stance on something that could doom their professional career for good. I also blame the division in the Christian Church in the US and the dominant groups of said that have little interest in changing things. We have one group that believes the Gospel needs to be changed as needed to fit society so they certainly aren't going to fight homosexual indoctrination but actually promote it. Then there is the very strict sects who aren't too interested because everyone else is going to hell anyway so what's the point, to include the "predesitnationers" and the "works is from the devil crowd". After these two groups we have little left except for the Evangelicals. Of course they always fear any association with issues championed by the Catholic Church as to not draw the ire of the other Christian groups, thus becoming every bit as persecuted as the Catholics. In fact what all the mentioned groups have in common is a clear fear of being associated with anything to do with Catholics and in fact adjust doctrine as needed to ensure this with our country paying the price being the results.


There are no studies that can support a biological cause for homosexuality using the same rigorous standards applied to other research. However, that hasn't stopped a plethora of inconclusive studies being promoted by the media as proof homosexuality is biological. With this ignorance clearly embraced the next step is to change God's laws and let children know it is ok to be homosexual from an early age, after all they were born that way (not).

Conspicuously, apparently there are so few principled scientists in the US willing to take a stand and call out this obvious discrepancy between real science and this garbage nor are there any principled psychologists (who very well understand the ability for children to be influenced by suggestion) willing to question our all out proliferation of homosexuality in public schools.


And you know this because of either your extensive science background or your knowledge of the rigorous studies that support your god's particular law. Good to know.


New member
And you know this because of either your extensive science background or your knowledge of the rigorous studies that support your god's particular law. Good to know.

I was given a scholarship to do research and have been working 20+ years as an engineer in an environmental related area which of course requires me to do a lot of research and reading. On top of that I have spent many years doing research of biological and other topics, which is no different than what would happen in any post graduate degree so yes I can say I know a thing or two about the research field.


New member
I believe that Freedom is a two-edged sword. If it cuts for me then it also cuts for you. So freedom of choice must be maintained and defended in a healthy free society. That does mean equality of rights "under the law". So, if persons wish to marry in a secular union their freedom to do so must be upheld. And likewise separation of church and state GUARANTEES freedom of choice in word and deed according to one's religious persuasion. This also must be upheld.
I want to be treated fairly. Therefore I can expect others also want to be treated fairly. I do not want to be forced to accept the unacceptable but must find a way to respect the rights of others.
It ain't easy Dearie!
You don't have to consider ANYONE'S marriage to be good or right. I could consider your marriage a sham and openly mock it if I wanted to(assuming you are married). You just don't get to use the law to stop someone from getting married just like I can't use the law to stop you from getting married.


New member
your use of the separation of Church & state argument is not based on proper interpretation of the term

all the founders of this country meant by that term was that the gov must stay out of the Churches, not the other way around

all the Founders were Christians (some more than others, of course, but they all respected Holy Scirpture)

You know, many of the founding fathers were deists. Thomas Jefferson was a deist. So was James Madison. Thomas Jefferson wrote a letter explaining exactly what the establishment clause meant.


New member

well, yeh, but here's the thing:

i hate homosexuality (the acts, not the tendency to be attracted to the same sex)

and i am looking for ANY justification for outlawing it that i can...

I realize that God said so is not going to work in our pluralistic society...

So this is just about hate and the desire for a theocracy and as a christian you're happy to lie and cheat if it means you can take away the rights of others. Thank you for your honesty.

I'm so glad I'm not a christian. I'd rather have ethics and decency.