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There is NO Such Thing as a “Christian” in your World Today!!! – ( No one ) even knows what - “Christian” IS.
Are the Scriptures / the Bible - “Christian”?? --- Is God – “Christian”?? --- Is Christ – “Christian”?? --- Is all Righteousness - “Christian”??
Everything that is not “Christian” - Is Satanic!! --- Are all Lies – Satanic?? --- Is a Carnal Mind – Satanic?? --- (( IS Your Creation - “Satanic” ))?? – Just what is Your Creation made of?? – Read it!!! --- ((( Genesis 1:1-2 KJV ))) ---1- “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth. 2- And ((( the earth was without form ))), ((( and void ))); and darkness was upon the (( “FACE” of the deep )). And the Spirit of God moved upon the (( “FACE” of the “WATERS ))”. --//----- What does God say there, that the Fools of your world can’t Hear or See??? -- Whose two Faces is God dreaming OF/ and What Waters, - before the World was, and had Water??? --- MAN!!! - You Smarter than GOD bunch of Know-it-alls!!!!

The First Creation was ONLY in the Mind of God, and had NO carnal Form and was not there; it was VOID!! – The SON / The Word that was With the Word / God; - the Son Interpreted the Father’s Dream, and THAT IS ALL written, - and is the Scripture, and are ALL PARABLES of the COMING ((( “FORM” )))!!! - The Son had to interpret the Whole Dream of His Father’s, - to bring about a (( New Heaven and New Earth )) (((( “WITH FORM, - “SPIRIT FORM” )))), and is Not VOID!!! – BUT HAVING THE Form of Spirit, the Form of The Father and the SON, and Now “WE” / the True Christian is the (( New Creation )), We are (( All )) ONE, - ((( All in All ))) / The New Heavens!! – Read IT!!! --- (( Psalms 19:1 KJV )) – 1- “((( The Heavens Declare the Glory of God ))); and the firmament sheweth His handywork”. --//----- ( What does GOD SAY )???? – To all the FOOLS, - (( NOTHING ))!!!!

Why is it, that every time I make any statements, that there is No One who has the Knowledge to challenge me. Are You all just (( Cowards )), False Christians?? - OR (( Just have NO Knowledge )) of God?? – You all think you’re Smart!!!

There are NO Christians in Your World Today!!!!!!!!!
There is NO ONE who Even has -- (((( One / “ONE” )))) Word of God Right on Anything of GOD!!! None / Nothing at ALL!!! – If you all are SOOO Smart, Surely you can show all your foolish brethren that I’m Wrong in at least ONE Point!!!! But a Coward, or False Witness can do Nothing, - but maybe -- spit and make False statements of Nothing, NO Scripture At ALL!! – AND You call Yourselves ((( “Christians” ))), And Don’t Even Know what “Christian” IS!!!!

This is You ALL!!! --- You all have a Name for the Denomination of your - “church”!! – “Church” in God - IS, ( Group, Family, House, AND “BODY” ), the “Body of Christ”, NOT the Body of a Catholic, or the “Body of a Baptist”, or the “Body of a Mormon”!! – (( Colossians 1:18 KJV )) --- 18- “And He is the Head of the ((( Body, the Church )))”. --//-----
You all are members of the Same Group, or Family, or House, - however, your House / Group / Family OR “BODY”/// “(( Unequally Yoked together ))”; that’s Division. - You are “Children of the “Family of Satan”, the “Body of Satan, - House of Satan, or Satan’s Group. – ((( John 8:44 KJV ))) --- 44- “((( Ye are of your father the devil ))) , (( and the lusts of your father ye will do ))”. --//----- None of you, - Not a One of you agree on your own church’s doctrines. You “ALL” disagree with every Single other one of your brethren, born without the ( PROMISE ) of Unity by a mother; One Nation of God!! --- Read it!! - Read of you and your own ( spiritual family )!!! – It’s Written!!

You all teach that God Formed You from the “Dust of the Earth”, -- in the Natural, or Carnal; - ((( HOW )))??? – When there was NO Form of anything Created Until (((( AD70, The final Pentecost, - or Old Testament ( “Jubilee” )!!! ( AND ((( You All claim that you’re “Formed” from the Dust of the Earth that was and IS Not There???? -- ((( S-M-A-R-T )))!!!! – All any Fool has to do is JUST - Read IT!!!! – It’s All Written; - but No Fool can “See” or “Hear”, (( OR CARE ))!!! --- The Earth was ( “Without Form” ), and IT Was - (( V-O-I-D )) -- “Void”, - do any of you Geniuses Know what “VOID” means?? - Or what - “Without FORM” - Means???? --- NO,! - Just your Foolish self appointed phony “~christian” that defies GOD ON Every Point!! – Read IT!! – None Of You, - NONE Of You has even one point, or one Word Right, AND I Can PROVE IT By using the Scriptures, - but none of you so-called-“Christians” CARE what GOD Says, and that He is Still saying things No Fool can See or Hear!!!

Paul – 062214

