Truth or Lie?


New member
I want to show just how totally unlearned, or how totally contrary your whole world of this so called Christian love and faithfulness is. It’s either the Truth or it’s a Lie. It’s just that simple.

God says one thing, and every one of you always says the exact opposite of what God says. One can point it out to you and you do nothing but scoff exactly like God said you would; all of you! You don’t have to take my word for it, but none of you can take God’s word for it either. That’s how totally anti-God, and anti-Christ, or anti-Truth, or anti-Word every one of you are. Can any of you believe the following? You never have, and neither can any of you comment on it, you just ignore it outright, even though God said it. >- Romans 3:10-12 KJV - “As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one: 11- There is ( none that understandeth ), there is ( none that seeketh after God ). 12- They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one”. – God said that there is not one; not one person who seeks God, which has to include every one of you. You can’t have Faith in that! That means that no one cares what God said, or gives a wit and every one is going about their own foolish nonsense. That’s what God is saying and did say, and who cares what God said? No one! – According to all of you, I’m not yelling now, but that doesn’t matter, you still ignore the Truth, just because it’s Truth, not because I’m yelling, and you know it. The whole world can see who you are now. You can’t hear and don’t care how angry God is, and is yelling at your whole world just before he sends it to its place. – Proverbs 1:26-28 KJV -
None of you can show in the Word of God or show where God agrees with you in your doctrines. None of you; and you call yourselves, “yourselves” Christians? God is laughing at you now for the total foolish divisions you all support and hold for your own division. They’re called denominations, or denominational churches, ( Individually designated groups of people ). Christ is not denominated by any fool. Only fools are denominated against, or from God. You all fight with everything except the Sword God gave his Christians and Angels to fight with. That’s called Cowards, and they hide in the rocks and dens called the Catacombs, where the dead gather themselves together while calling themselves “Christians”.

Jesus was also a trouble-maker, and those who were “denominated” against Him, killed him for it. – Now prove me wrong here also!

Paul – 062312