Truth and Light:


New member
Untellectual and others:

Some of you would say that you believe in Angels, but you don’t know who or what Angels are. – Angels are Light, and Angels are Truth. – That’s what Angels ARE, no more and no less. – The “LIGHT” is the “TRUTH” that the spiritual sees if they are not in the darkness of the Devil. The darkness of the Devil is the “LIE” of course. --- Jesus is “THE LIGHT”, and Jesus is “THE TRUTH”. – Jesus is Savior, or Messiah, the Truth and the Light, which is “LIFE EVERLASTING”, or “THE RESURRECTION”.

The first day of the creation, God said, “Let there be LIGHT, and there was LIGHT”. ----- In other words; --- The first day of the creation, God said, “Let there be TRUTH, and there was TRUTH, and God SAW the TRUTH that it was good, and God divided the TRUTH from the LIE, and God called the TRUTH the PASSOVER DAY, and the LIE He called SIN. And the evening and the morning were the first Passover Day”. -----

If Jesus is THE LIGHT and THE TRUTH, and Jesus’ Body is made of many members, then Jesus is made of all the Host of Angels of LIGHT and TRUTH, which is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. The Angels are the spirits of Truth and Light, and their Truth went into the Devil’s place and THEY comprehended it not.

Untellectual, get some help from the scholars and those geniuses there; you know who they are. They are the know it alls who cannot PROVE ME WRONG, no matter how much of a heretic I appear to them. - The definition of “HERETIC” is reversed in such cases.

Paul – 082911