Trump's Worst Enemy...


Hall of Fame
Well, yes ... Trump is a living and breathing example of contradictions. Also, quite the vocabulary. What a foul mouth.


David Duke‏

Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth about #Charlottesville & condemn the leftist terrorists in BLM/Antifa

When you have friends like David Duke, who needs enemies!
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New member
Trump ousts White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon...

The above fits a recent back and forth exchange between myself and someone I have known for years, who supports Trump blindly.

The latest to him on my part:

______, part of the reason you fired ______, was because you repeatedly found him incompetent to the tasks you assigned him.

Another part of that, however, was your own incompetence in hiring him in the first place; given the years you have been in business.

Hopefully, you learned from both sides of that.

For if you were continued to be found firing one person after another - after even more years supposedly having learned how to pick people for the job required - you would be judged at fault.

That is your President...

Despite his endless hot air about knowing "how to pick the right people for the job - great people..."

Trump just ousted one more within his now long and infamous firings - White House Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon...

Trump is an incompetent.



New member
That's quite a list of "accomplishments" lol

Here's the transcript, from...

(CNN) CNN Anchor Brooke Baldwin on Thursday listed the controversial moves that President Donald Trump made this past month, which has been one of the most tumultuous in recent White House history.

"It has been a chaotic four weeks even by these White House standards," said Baldwin, speaking on CNN's "Newsroom." "Lets all just take a moment to remind you of what has happened, incredibly significant events one after the other."

About a minute into reading the list on air, the CNN anchor paused to take a drink of water, noting its length.

"Sorry, this is long," she remarked.

Here's the list of Trump's most controversial moves:

Fires Reince Priebus

Hires John Kelly

Hires "The Mooch"

Fires "The Mooch"

Hires fourth communications director

Publicly shames AG Sessions

"Repeal and replace" fails

Shames Republicans who voted against it

Tweets transgender military ban

Gets political in Boy Scout speech

Makes up Boy Scout leader call

Makes up Mexican President call

Thanks Putin for expelling Americans

Begrudgingly signs Russia sanctions, then blasts Congress for it

Condemns, then endorses anonymous White House leaks

Encourages cops to rough up suspects

Publicly shames Mitch McConnell

Embraces unpassable immigration plan

Threatens North Korea with nukes

Tells Guam it'll help tourism

Bannon says no military option

Threatens Venezuela

Blames "both sides" in Charlottesville

Denounces white supremacists

Back to blaming both sides

Says "fine people" at Nazi rally

Shames CEOs who ditch business councils

Two business councils disband

Retweets right-wing conspiracy theorist

Considers Sheriff Arpaio pardon

Promotes his Charlottesville winery

Pushes myth during terror attack

Receives condemnations from:

The last two Republican Presidents
World leaders
His own staff
And the Pope.

Reminds me of what the author of my 1991 copy of the book - `Trumped! The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall,` by John R. O`Donnell with James Rutherford, says about his first days as an Executive for Trump, just after Trump hired him away from Steve Winn.

He relates that Trump spent most of their meetings attempting to find out about Winn and about what Winn thought of him.

Same old focus he has come to be known for - on himself.

Here is an old review of that book...
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New member
In Atlantic City as properties opened the market grew, because there was more capacity for people to come in, but once it got to this amount it is sitting there, and so you’re not going to get huge, huge growth. And so the only way you can get that growth individually is to take it from somebody else.

When you tried to explain this to Donald Trump or anybody tried to explain it to him how did he react?

That’s the fundamental problem with Donald. He doesn’t listen to people. I don’t think he has the capacity to listen. I really don’t. And that’s one of the frightening things for me about him is I do not believe he has the capacity to listen to other people.

He has in his mind what he wants to be in his mind. It’s very difficult to say to him, “This is a great plan. We’ve been working on this for three months. We’ve analyzed the market. We’ve analyzed what we’re going to do different next year. Here’s how we think we’re going to get to here.”

Very strategic. Very detailed.

Just to have a Donald Trump say, “Well, that’s great, but you’re really going to get to here.”

And there would be no logical way you could get there. It just couldn’t happen. You would have had to have another casino close, which in those days wasn’t happening. Or you were going to take a disproportional amount of the growth in the marketplace, which would be unheard of.

Frustration is probably the greatest feeling that you would have in dealing with Trump.

From a very revealing interview with former Trump Organization Executive: John O'Donnell, author of the 1991 book, `Trumped! The Inside Story of the Real Donald Trump-His Cunning Rise and Spectacular Fall,`` by John R. O`Donnell with James Rutherford, by Simon & Schuster.

The rest of that interview is posted on...


New member
Still, in the end, prior to DC, Trump always pulled through, in his self-inflicted up and down roller coaster of a business life.

Should be interesting to see what course he eventually rights himself by in DC.

Unless that investigation comes up severely against him.

Nevertheless, in the end, there is no denying that President Donald J. Trump has already more than well secured his place in American history.

For better, or for worse.