Trump's remarks RE McCain.. went 2 far?


New member
Well, I think Trump went a little too far this time... I don't think he should drop out of the race, and he has, from what i have heard so far, clarified what he meant.. I haven't heard those clarified remarks, but...

What seems scary to me is people expecting others to ALWAYS always... apologize for speaking what they feel is the truth...

This is just another PC way of shutting up people for saying




hate that o word, just hate it...

I find that word offensive..


i read a book about McCain. After being a POW for a long, grueling time (tortured on a regular basis), he was told he was being released, probably b/c of his father being a higher up in the (Navy?) but McCain said that someone else captured (can't recall name) should go first...

If that's not a hero, i don't know what is..

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New member
I just love how this and so many other Trump-isms are driving more and more right-of-center voters into Bernie Sanders' camp.

as per usual, no examples, no testimonies

just another lie

wishful thinking

hey, you may want to take note of something going on in this country right now... rather obscure little factoid:

there are 16 Republican candidates running... 16-- not just Trump

true story...



New member
OK, Trump did say McC was a hero... but... I'm a little confused... didn't he say that AFTER saying he wasn't? or implying that?

he said he prefers those vets who didn't get captured.

wow, isn't that blaming the victimc?

you know, i frankly think that Rs often blame victims... not all Rs... but some act like

if you are on welfare or some other gov program, you are stupid, irresponsible, lazy

never mind that you may be a victim...

This is what happens when we paint with too wide a brush... You just never know what is going on in a person's mind or heart or LIFE....

But anyway... i suppose i was digressing...

I think McCain made the bigger mistake, calling those who want to hear Trump "crazies"

he is the one who needs to apologize


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Trump is a clown in it for the show. Since he keeps stepping on his tongue he'll be out of it soon.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
this is all part of the plan
he will be forced to run third party
he has a deal with hillary
trump will do in 16 what perot did in 92


I like how Ted Cruz handled it:

"Folks in the press love to see Republican-on-Republican violence, so you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anyone else. I’m not gonna do it. John McCain is a friend of mine. I respect and admire him and he’s an American hero. And Donald Trump is a friend of mine."

Donald Trump should have talked about how worthless John McLame has been as a US Senator.


New member
I think we toss around the word 'hero' all the time and its misused.

McCain should be thanked for the time he spent in the POW camp, it was a horrible thing he endured at the hands of the enemy.

McCain endured... he did not go over and above to accomplish something extraordinary.


New member
I think we toss around the word 'hero' all the time and its misused.

McCain should be thanked for the time he spent in the POW camp, it was a horrible thing he endured at the hands of the enemy.

McCain endured... he did not go over and above to accomplish something extraordinary.

maybe u should read a book or 2 about him b4 saying this

but then, we all know u aren't about doing research b4 blabbing away



New member
I got this from your link. My comments are in red at the end:

"McCain has said repeatedly that he was afforded no special treatment while in the "Hanoi Hilton". Yet when he was first interviewed by the North Vietnamese he is shown at a hospital reserved for Vietnamese military and he was seen by Soviet Surgeons. He was drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes while being interviewed. This was a far cry from the way the rest of the POWs were treated.

His wife at the time, was a member of the National League of Families and she fought to make sure that John McCain came home. He rewarded this loyalty by divorcing her after his return.

He was shot down October 26, 1967, and by November 9, 1967 he was giving interviews to foreign correspondents, providing information on his prior command, casualties and tactics, in direct violation of the Code of Conduct. (The U.S. military Code of Conduct is the definitive code specifying the responsibilities of American military personnel while in combat or captivity. Article V of the Code is very specific in ordering U.S. military personnel to avoid answering questions to the utmost of their ability and to make no oral or written statements disloyal to the United States and its allies, or harmful to their cause. Any willful violation of the Code is considered collaborating with the enemy.)

The Communist Vietnamese erected a bust of John McCain beside the lake where he was shot down. His defenders say that this is a tribute to the PAVN gunners that shot him down.

In the interview that he gave on November 9, 1967 to VNA International, he claims when he bailed out and landed in the lake, that locals pulled him out and took him to the hospital. Yet in the U.S. News and World Report - May 14, 1973. McCain is quoted as saying "I think it was on the fourth day (after being shot down) that two guards came in, instead of one. One of them pulled back the blanket to show the other guard my injury. I looked at my knee. It was about the size of a football . . . when I saw it, I said to the guard, Ok, get the officer' officer came in after a few minutes. It was the man that we came to know very well as 'The Bug'. He was a psychotic torturer, one of the worst fiends that we had to deal with. I said, Ok, I'll give you military information if you will take me to the hospital."

While testifying before the Senate Select Committee, the very man McCain claims was responsible for his own torture, his interrogator, "The Bug" was appearing. When the moment of confrontation came, McCain rose from his seat, walked from the podium to the floor and stood face to face with the man who was responsible for torturing him and countless other Prisoners of War...McCain then grabbed the man and embraced him!

He has been a consistent advocate of lenient treatment of Vietnam.

While a member of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs (1991-1993) he referred to POW/MIA Family Members and POW/MIA Activists as whiners, vultures and the lunatic fringe.

Although the Senate Select Committee concluded that we left men behind, McCain crossed party lines to help lift the embargo and normalize relations with Vietnam. "It's very important for us to recognize that the war is over, ... In my view, an improvement in relations between our two countries does a whole of lot things from a practical standpoint, but it also, from a spiritual standpoint indicates that we are ready to close that chapter," McCain said. (Many POWs and families of MIAs would strongly disagree that is time to close this chapter! Improving relations with Vietnam stood to benefit the McCain's family as they hold a large interest in the Budweiser Corporation. Surprise, surprise Bud was among the first large U.S. Corporations to enter Vietnam after relations were normalized.)

He ignored a letter from former POW, Capt. Eugene "Red" McDaniel, co-signed by 50 former POWs which asked that the embargo not be lifted and not to normalize relations and still McCain would not be swayed.

When the Missing Service Personnel Act of 1996 came on the Senate Floor for debate, Senator McCain called this bill "un-necessary" and "burdensome" even though the MSPA was sponsored by the then majority leader and the man who had considered asking John McCain to run with him, Sen. Bob Dole.

McCain managed to get the MSPA amended by removing criminal liability and several articles that were important to POW/MIA Family members.

McCain voted against campaign-finance reform in 1987/1988.. and didn't support the concept until 1990, just after the Keating story broke.

Until McCain began thinking about running for national office he was consistently anti-gay (he even spoke at a fundraiser for Oregon's anti-gay rights initiative) Now he says they are "not inclusive enough".

Keating Five Scandal

McCain received more than $112,000 in campaign contributions from one Charles Keating (including $54,000 for his Senate campaign). Between 1984 and 1986 McCain and family had vacationed at Keating's home in the Bahamas. (Keating was a corrupt owner of a savings-and-loan empire that ended up costing taxpayers $3 billion.) For these contributions Keating hoped (expected) McCain and four other senators - John Glenn, Dennis DeConcini, Alan Cranston, Donald Riegle, would protect him from federal banking regulators. After a 14 month investigation by the Ethics Committee all McCain received was a slap on the wrist for using "poor judgment"!

McCain's Tasteless Joke

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno."

McCain's two-liner gives us some insight into what he considers funny (lesbianism, a young woman's physical looks), especially since this was delivered to a partisan Republican crowd. Remember, this is the same party that champions pro-family values.

That McCain had made this tasteless joke was reported in major newspapers, so was the vain attempt by his press secretary to initially deny that McCain had done anything wrong. But in several major newspapers, the joke itself was kept a secret. When McCain subsequently apologized to President Clinton, the Washington Post, noted the apology but said the joke 'was too vicious to print.'"

well, the book I read was written by HIM... so, we know how that's likely to go..

you can't blame me for believing he was telling the truth in his book.

I still don't know what the truth is. Only God does. But we need to focus on more important concerns: like RINO-ism...

and McCain is definitely that, and i have been saying that for YEARS
