Trump's rape accuser just got exposed as a liar


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News that the allegations were dropped dismayed Hillary supporters who had hoped the claims would be the knock out blow for Trump's election campaign - already rocked in recent weeks by a string of sex assault claims.

Thousands of loyal Hillary followers had opened a discussion about the rape claims on Twitter and other social media networks hoping to damage Trump's push for the White House.

The Huffington Post jumped on the bandwagon of anti-Trump sentiment after she made her claims, asking: 'Donald Trump Is Accused Of Raping A 13-Year-Old. Why Haven't The Media Covered It?'

But has been told that elements of what Johnson had claimed crumbled at the last minute.

Her claims can today be exposed as untruthful, the key fact being that Donald Trump was not involved whatsoever.

A source with knowledge of the controversial case told 'Katie Johnson's account had been believable and compelling right up until the last minute.

'But new information emerged that suggested she had not been telling the truth.

'Ultimately it was discovered that Donald Trump's name had been inserted into this, he was not involved whatsoever. After that she had no credibility.'

The revelation slaps down any suggestion that Johnson dropped the case thanks to a secret financial settlement with Trump, as has been speculated on social media.

It also clears Trump of any hint of wrong doing in association with the lawsuit... has since learned that Johnson has two DUIs and a felony drug possession on her record and a history of drug abuse.

Sorry ACW but Trump's rape accuser just got exposed as a lying drug addict, guess you have to find another fake, anti-trump conspiracy theory to rant on in the forums.



Sorry ACW but Trump's rape accuser just got exposed as a lying drug addict, guess you have to find another fake, anti-trump conspiracy theory to rant on in the forums.

Are you talking to me Jeffrey? I presented all kinds of evidence in your earlier thread where you pretty much claimed that accused child rapist Donald Trump is as pure as the driven snow, but for some reason you didn't want to talk to me then.

Can we talk now, or are you too busy on election day getting people to vote for the pro LGBTQ/pro abortion/pro socialist/lying/sociopathic/woman hating /sexual predator Donald Trump?

I didn't see anywhere in the article that you posted this time around (Jeffrey cruises the gossip news rags to make his case, I'm surprised that he didn't use Trump's good buddy David Pecker's National Enquirer as proof) that makes Jane Doe's case not believable.

She acknowledged in the interview that she had no idea who Donald Trump was at the time.
But she claims that she would never forget his face and it was only years later when Trump starred in The Apprentice that she recognized the man she says sexually assaulted her.
That may be the crucial flaw in her story.
Does this set precedence for all women and children who are raped Jeffrey, i.e. if they can't identify their attacker immediately then there is no case, or does this just apply to your Presidential candidate?

Inquiring minds needsta know.

If you're ready to talk Jeffrey, then let's do, if not, well, you know your limitations when it comes to defending a sexual deviant like Donald Trump.
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The Horn

We don't know that the rape accusations are bogus . But even if they are, this doesn't excuse Trump's vile treatment of women and the disgusting things he says about them.
We know certain things for a fact . Trump has been married three times and divorced twice .
He has openly boasted about cheating on them. His first wife Ivanka , has accused him of marital rape . He is reported to be having an affair with another woman at the moment .
Numerous women have accused Trump of groping them and acting disgracefully toward him .
He is known to have barged in unannounced into the dressing room of the contestants at a beauty contest he sponsored while they were in various stages of undress. Not very gentlemanly .
He has called certain women "pigs" and makes disparaging comments about women who don't meet his standards of feminine pulchritude .
A judge recently found sufficient evidence to investigate Trump for rape charges . It's quite possible the young woman he reportedly raped when she was 13 has been threatened and intimidated, or possibly paid money to drop the charges by Trump .
I don't know about you, but as far as I am concerned , Trump's behavior is anything but presidential . His treatment of women is only one of countless reasons not to vote for Trump .


We don't know that the rape accusations are bogus . But even if they are, this doesn't excuse Trump's vile treatment of women and the disgusting things he says about them.
We know certain things for a fact . Trump has been married three times and divorced twice ...

Trump's wife, Ivanka, is still alive (Matt. 14:3–12, Rom. 7:2, 3). He has many additional concubines.


Divorce & Re marriage: A Position Paper by John Piper
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The Horn

Serpentdove , so you're trying to rationalize, excuse and justify Trump's serial adulteries etc? Is't this a little bit hypocritical ? After, you conservatives have been screaming at Bill Clinton for his adultery .
But he has never treated women as horribly as Trump. Or made disgusting comments about them in public . Not even remotely. And there is no proof of him ever raping a woman, only dubious partisan accusations. There is plenty evidence of Trump raping at least one 13 year old girl .
I'm not condoning adultery , but Trump's behavior toward women is absolutely sickening . Yet so many Christians are conveniently overlooking Trump's vile personal conduct . Not only with women, but in many other ways, such as his blatant fear and hate mongering etc. How hypocritical can you get ?


We don't know that the rape accusations are bogus . But even if they are, this doesn't excuse Trump's vile treatment of women and the disgusting things he says about them.

Not all of them, SOME of them.
You people don't know how to do anything else but slander people with labels of things like 'sexist'. Yall are the disgusting ones- you've done nothing but harass the living hell out of people tearing down businesses, smearing reputations, bombing events- even going on people's properties :AMR:

None of you ever had a right to call anyone anything, especially your dumb liberal woman who hate men and then want to play innocent when someone like Trump comes down on them. He simply doesn't take jive from you morons and you all aren't used to that- you're frankly so used to no backlash that you don't see how much a group of two timing, loudmouthed hypocrites yall are :wave2:


...None of you ever had a right to call anyone anything, especially your dumb liberal woman who hate men and then want to play innocent when someone like Trump comes down on them...


Eve was beguiled--ambushed. What was Adam's excuse? Ge 3:6, 13, 2 Co 11:3, 1 Ti 2:14

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).