Trump's poll numbers surge while Biden's numbers sink


Well-known member
Was Biden legitimately elected? Not likely. Nevertheless, if Biden had major support before the election he certainly does not have much support now that people have seen what a bad job he is doing trying to lead the country in his condition and with his flawed Marxist racist thinking.


In the earlier days of Joe Biden’s presidency, as his approval numbers started to dip, though not as catastrophically as they have no, we were constantly reminded that at least he wasn’t polling as badly as his predecessor. Well, that’s no longer the case when it comes to a a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll which was shared with The Hill on Monday.
As Max Greenwood reported for the outlet, 48 percent of respondents have a favorable view of Trump while 46 percent have a favorable view of Biden. Further, 49 percent have an unfavorable view of Biden, while 47 percent have an unfavorable view of Trump. Voters also say the Trump was a better president than Biden has been, by 51 percent to 49 percent.


Well-known member
Are Americans who voted for Biden now realizing their mistake? Not all of them. There will always be a core mob of democrats who are in it for the benefits, not for reasons related to the improvement of the American society as a whole. Mobsters have their supporters, workers, enforcers, and the like, as do communists and as do democrats. Americans who are interested in improving their lives are finding the democrat party is a bad choice to rely on.

The Joe Biden presidency is collapsing and the networks don’t want you to know about it. Two just-released polls have found the Democrat at record lows. But between the evening newscasts on Tuesday and the morning shows on Wednesday, offered zero coverage of the very bad news for Biden.

According to Quinnipiac, the President sits at 40 percent approval. It’s even worse for the Grinnell College poll, showing Biden at just 37 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval. Both are respected polling companies and included in the Real Clear Politics Average of polls. (The new numbers can be found here.)