Trump's friends know he can't help himself when it comes to lying

The Barbarian

Washington: As Donald Trump’s lawyers continue to negotiate terms of an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller, the president’s allies are increasingly trying to warn him against it, using one of the few methods they have—television.

Trump’s longtime friends and advisers have grown increasingly concerned that a face-to-face interview with Mueller could derail his presidency and are hoping to catch the president’s ear during his hours of channel-surfing, said one such adviser. In recent weeks, Trump’s outside advisers have gone on Fox News, CNN, and ABC’s Good Morning America with almost identical talking points about the risks of a Mueller interview.

The renewed urgency comes after Trump told reporters last month he would “love to” speak to Mueller, a statement his lawyers later tried to soften as they continue discussing the terms for a possible interview. With chief of staff John Kelly trimming back access to Trump, those outside the West Wing have taken to television—and sometimes Twitter—as a main method of communication given the hours Trump spends with a TV on nearby.

The advice from Trump’s friends has been nearly unanimous against a face-to-face interview, with most advocating for some form of written response to questions. While his allies say they believe Trump has done nothing wrong, they question Mueller’s intentions and the voluble Trump’s ability to avoid unintentional misstatements that could be turned into a perjury charge.


[COLOR="#800000".... Trump’s ability to avoid unintentional misstatements that could be turned into a perjury charge.[/COLOR]

No doubt, if Trump goes freelance and opens his gob, he will **** thing up big time, hence ALL of his pals and ALL of his legal advisers are wetting themselves at the prospect.

However, Trumpy could still get off a perjury charge. Claiming insanity would not work; bonkers yes but not yet insane. Claiming Juvenile delinquency would work for obvious reasons.



Trump's friends know he can't help himself when it comes to lying

"The Donald" has "friends?"


Trump's friends know he can't help himself when it comes to lying

"The Donald" has "friends?"

No, hangers on. Dr Spock called them klingons (cling-ons). The kind of stuff that avoids getting flushed down the toilet.

The Barbarian

You can keep your healthcare. Period!

You can keep your doctor. Period!

Wrong president. Here's the real lies:

“We’re going to have insurance for everybody,” Trump said in an interview with The Washington Post. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it, you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.”
As his run for president took shape, candidate Trump boasted via Twitter, “I was the first & only potential GOP candidate to state there will be no cuts to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid”
Trump counselor Kellyanne Conway made a promise that almost certainly can’t be met with the House bill: “We don't want anyone who currently has insurance to not have insurance.”
In its current form, the CBO says Conway’s promise simply won’t be kept in the House bill. An estimated 24 million people will lose coverage over the next 10 years under the plan.
"We have to get rid of the artificial lines around the states,” Trump said during the second presidential debate.
As he campaigned for the White House that he declared in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes”: “I am going to take care of everybody … Everybody’s going to be taken care of much better than they’re taken care of now.” More recently, Trump has promised that repeal will end with “a beautiful picture.” [/quote]

Those are the lies the current president told us about health care.