Trump's Election a Foreshadowing, Not an Echo

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I was interested to learn recently that soon after Ronald Reagan was elected, drunk Teddy Kennedy actually contacted the Soviets and told them that Reagan's politics would be a passing thing and that soon they could get back to business as usual. Well, history has certainly proven quite the opposite. The Reagan Revolution led to the Republicans taking Congress for the first time in 60 years, then the Bushes, and now Trump. The Reagan Revolution has also lead to our overwhelming control of state houses and legislatures.

Many people said the same things about Reagan that they say about Trump,he's a buffoon, ignorant on the issues, an extremist, and I personally remember everyone saying that Reagan would start a nuclear war. Again,all wrong.

The are ignorant fools out there who would have us believe that Trump's election was the Echo, not a foreshadowing of things to come. In fact it is a continuation, the ongoing ripple effect,of the Reagan Revolution. While Trump is certainly not Ronald Reagan, he is definitely someone who wants a secure strong American and wants to put America first. That is the essence of Reaganism.


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Sometimes I looked at him like a father figure. I voted for him in 1980 right when I turned 18.
I was married with 3 children in 1980.
I voted for Reagan.

I gained a lot of respect for him when I read a book that had 3 sections in it dealing with political/war strategy (One section on Moses, one on Hannibal, and one on the Reagan Star Wars program.

I remember lifting my head from the book, when reading about the Star Wars program, with a smile on my face and thinking "That was so cleverly brilliant!"
We ended up with the most advanced defense system in the world and bankrupted Russia in the process, basically without firing a shot.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
For some reason I always pictured you as a young person (no offense). Its weird how you get a totally wrong idea about who people are in forums.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
The truth of the Democrat Partly that Liberals don't want to know: This is what Trump winning 306 electoral votes, 30 states, 2623 counties looks like on a map, Sorry Liberals:


The Democrat party is a coastal party, that's all. Conservatism and the Republican party is still the heart of America.