Trump's $4Trillion - said Patrick Jane


The worst day in US financial history since the financial crisis

What is going on PJ? You trumpeted in half a dozen threads that, with Trump's leadership this could not possibly happen.

The sucker is going down.


The market is in a much anticipated healthy correction due to a strong economy which is fueling fears of higher interest rates and inflation.

patrick jane

The worst day in US financial history since the financial crisis

What is going on PJ? You trumpeted in half a dozen threads that, with Trump's leadership this could not possibly happen.

The sucker is going down.
I never said the market nor the economy could not possibly go down, don't lie. After breaking over 100 records on the DOW since taking office did you expect it to just keep going up? We'll see.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The biggest problem with the economy right now is the HUGE national debt.

And Obama, in just eight years, doubled America's debt which had taken over 200 years to accumulate.

And if interest rates get out of control now the interest on America's debt will completely crush the economy.

The Barbarian

The biggest problem with the economy right now is the HUGE national debt.

No kidding
Trump's shiny tax-cut plan has a $1.5 trillion problem

In the name of tax cuts, Congress is speeding toward a budget plan that lets the government collect $1.5 trillion less revenue for the next 10 years.
One big problem: The government needs more revenue because millions more Americans retire each year to go on Social Security and Medicare.
In 2017, 45 million Americans receive Social Security retirement checks. By 2027 — the end of the 10-year period in which the budget would take in $1.5 trillion less — 60 million will.

And if interest rates get out of control now the interest on America's debt will completely crush the economy.

Unfunded tax cuts will do that. He's your guy. Investors are strarting to figure out what's coming.


Trump won the presidency while losing the popular vote by a wide margin.

Yet, once in office, he promptly appealed to right-wing white nativists by issuing his promised travel ban against Muslims.

He tried to destroy the 2010 Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) without having a plan for what would replace it.

He again appealed to the nativist right by dismissing police brutality against African-Americans, and by describing white supremacists as “very fine people.”

And he finished his first year by signing legislation that cuts taxes for the rich, but does little to win over anyone else.


This is not normal politics. Trump clearly has no interest in unifying the country or enacting policies that will actually work.


Who in their right mind would re-tweet Neo-Nazi ultra right hate? And then have the gall to say, "I don't know who these guys are", while trying to impress world leaders at Davos.


If the government only had all those CRUMBS back from the huge tax cuts the market drop wouldn't be so bad.

Those dippy tax cuts are causing inflation; Pushing up the cost of government borrowing; trashing the economy. Not win,win,win, as PJ has claimed in multiple threads, but a disaster.

Never mind, ramping up war threats with North Korea will take everyone's mind of this latest calamity.

Never mind the memo. Time to create dodgy evidence again: Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan.


The biggest problem with the economy right now is the HUGE national debt.

And Obama, in just eight years, doubled America's debt which had taken over 200 years to accumulate.

And if interest rates get out of control now the interest on America's debt will completely crush the economy.

Trumpnomics won't work. He has bragged too much about how he was the cause of it all. Now, typically, blames someone else.


The biggest problem with the economy right now is the HUGE national debt.

And Obama, in just eight years, doubled America's debt which had taken over 200 years to accumulate.

And if interest rates get out of control now the interest on America's debt will completely crush the economy.

President Donald Trump came into office promising to reduce the U.S. trade deficit — and by that measure alone, his first year might be considered a dud.

The U.S. trade deficit increased more than 12 percent in 2017, to $566 billion — its highest level since 2008, according to figures released on Tuesday by the Commerce Department.


Trump avoided any mention of the stock market during an economic speech Monday in Ohio, and he ignored the questions reporters shouted at him as he returned to the White House after the markets had closed for the day.

He did not tweet about the subject Tuesday morning. Maybe he smells the coffee!

patrick jane

Trump avoided any mention of the stock market during an economic speech Monday in Ohio, and he ignored the questions reporters shouted at him as he returned to the White House after the markets had closed for the day.

He did not tweet about the subject Tuesday morning. Maybe he smells the coffee!
I thought you were telling jokes.

patrick jane

The worst day in US financial history since the financial crisis

What is going on PJ? You trumpeted in half a dozen threads that, with Trump's leadership this could not possibly happen.

The sucker is going down.
I thought I said like 8 trillion. Don't shortchange The Donald.