

New member
Some of the repercussions of the Trump "Administration" you are not likely to hear about from said "Administration..."

Here Are the Housing Markets That Are Going to Get Hammered by the Republican Tax Plan


Trump Sets A Shocking Record For Laziness By Taking 5 Times More Vacation Days Than Obama


The Horn

"Trump sets a shocking record for laziness by taking 5 times more vacation time than Obama " .
Of course . He's our hypocrite-in-cheif . As someone on Facebook recently posted . Trump is not a president who plays golf. He's a golfer who plays being president ".

Wick Stick

Well-known member
Couple things, here.

First, the tax plan isn't so much a Trump thing, as it is the Republican party doing it. I think we've seen enough by now to know that those two are separate things, that aren't necessarily on the same page all the time.

Second, depressing property values a little in parts of the country where said values are vastly overinflated is a good thing. Deflate the bubble slow; do not pop. I find it ironic that this is attributed to Trump - a NYC real estate mogul - but will basically only do real harm to that market, in that area.

I'm a fan of the proposed tax bill. You should be too. The winners here are small businesses. The lower income tax rate and income exclusion provisions will make so many small businesses feasible that simply weren't before.

These changes will normalize the US tax code (which is frighteningly outdated compared to most countries) with taxation around the world. It will also ease the need for the US to makes such draconian demands for information from banks around the world. We could all use a little less of big brother looking over our shoulder. The bill also incentivizes re-patriation of foreign earnings and re-investment of foreign earnings in US markets.

Those touting this as a tax break for big corporations don't know what they're talking about. There is a benefit for corps with global reach, but it is not a tax break. This will level the playing for big corps competing for foreign contracts; that is the benefit.

It's not all sunshine and roses, of course. The complete overhaul of taxation of foreign-source income means that there will likely be lots of new loopholes that have to be identified and closed. That will happen, but will take time.

Finally, as to Trump being on vacation... wouldn't you rather he was on vacation? :) I know I would.


New member
Trump Lies About Accomplishments And Turns First Responders Event Into A Self-Love Fest

By Sean Colarossi on Wed, Dec 27th, 2017 at 8:59 pm

Trump made it all about himself, like usual, and in the process, he told one of his favorite lies that he's the most accomplished president in modern history.


In an event meant to show appreciation for first responders, Donald Trump again bragged about his record, falsely claiming that he has more achievements at this point in his presidency than his predecessors.

Full video:

“We took a big, big beautiful ship that we’re turning around, and a lot of good things are happening,” Trump told the group of first responders before spewing the laughable lie that he has signed a record-breaking amount of legislation during his time in office.

“I believe — and you would have to ask those folks who will know the real answer — we have more legislation passed, including the record was Harry Truman a long time ago. And we broke that record, so we got a lot done, Trump said.

According to a GovTrack analysis, though, just the opposite is true: Trump has signed the least number of bills of any president since Dwight Eisenhower, who was in office from 1953 to 1961.

Here’s how Trump stacks up:


To sum up today’s event in Florida: The president didn’t just make a first responders event all about himself, like usual, but he continued to tell one of his favorite lies that he’s the most accomplished president in modern history.

Donald Trump should do the country favor and just stay on the golf course.


New member
"Beth Rosser of West Chester, Pa., is still bitter over what happened to her father, whose company Triad Building Specialties nearly collapsed when Mr. Trump took the Taj into bankruptcy. It took three years to recover any money owed for his work on the casino, she said, and her father received only 30 cents on the dollar.

“Trump crawled his way to the top on the back of little guys, one of them being my father,” said Ms. Rosser, who runs Triad today. “He had no regard for thousands of men and women who worked on those projects. He says he’ll make America great again, but his past shows the complete opposite of that.”

The following is one long, fascinating, article on just how corrupt Donald Trump has been and all the $Billions he has cost those Hundreds of Thousands of Average, Hard Working Middle Class Americans taken in by his scams.