Trump touts black unemployment rate at African American History Month event

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump touts black unemployment rate at African American History Month event

President Trump attends an event celebrating African American History Month.

Trump's ability to capture the audience was and will continue to be the secret to his success.


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On Friday, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its August report, which showed that the economy gained 130,000 jobs last month. The report also revealed that black unemployment fell to 5.5%, which is the lowest rate recorded since the Labor Department began tracking the progress back in the 1970s.

As for unemployment among workers who identify themselves as Hispanic or Latino, reports show that ratings fell to a whopping 4.2%. Black and Hispanic or Latino unemployment numbers have traditionally been higher than white unemployment.

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Rev. Todd Johnson: Trump changed Philadelphia for the better, people waking up to pandering Dems

President Trump has changed Philadelphia communities for the better, First Immanuel Baptist Church Revered Todd Johnson said Saturday.

Appearing on "Fox & Friends: Weekend" with host Pete Hegseth, Johnson said the Opportunity Zone in the city of brotherly love -- created by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act -- is working.

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Opportunity Zones are designed to spur economic development and job creation in distressed communities throughout the United States by providing tax benefits to investors who invest eligible capital gains by making an appropriate investment and meet other requirements.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Why Republicans do better than Democrats for black Americans

Since the election of Trump, more than one million new jobs have been created for black Americans. The black unemployment rate has reached near record lows, while the poverty rate is the lowest on record. Working hand in glove with Senator Tim Scott, this president created opportunity zones under the great Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Nearly 9,000 communities across all 50 states that were previously left behind are seeing new waves of investment pour in along with new jobs and a renewed sense of hope.

Moreover, while the pundits wrote it off as a pipe dream, Trump fought for and delivered the most meaningful criminal justice reform in a generation. Since the First Step Act became the law of the land over a year ago, more than 3,000 Americans have been released from prison, and 90 percent of those who have had their sentences decreased are black Americans. They are now reunited with their families and also have a second chance at life.

This president is also a champion for school choice so that every child can achieve their full potential. Education is still the master key to unlocking all the opportunities our country has to offer. But unfortunately too many Americans, and especially too many black Americans, remain trapped in failing schools. By giving every student the freedom to attend the school of their choice, Republicans will make good on our belief that the quality of education for our kids should not be predetermined by their zip codes.

Trump has also made historically black colleges and universities a priority, securing more funding than any other president. Despite all the progress he has made in three short years, as Trump likes to say, he is just getting started. He has an incredible success story to share with black Americans all across our country, and our new field offices will help us tell that story on the ground every day. In 2016, Trump asked black Americans to take a chance on him after decades of Democrats taking their votes for granted.

In 2020, the question will be “what do you have to lose?” but instead “how much more can we achieve together?” That is the message we are going to be spreading far and wide between now and November. So on Election Day, millions of black Americans will come home to the Republican Party and cast their votes to elect Trump to four more years in the White House