Trump removes Climate Change page and puts up pledge for more drilling


New member
As soon as Donald Trump was sworn in as president, the official White House website,, got a speedy makeover — as expected.

The Obama White house’s page on climate change is now gone — archived here for posterity (along with the rest of the Obama-era pages). That page talked about how global warming was a serious challenge to future generations, optimistically touted America’s ability to tackle the problem, and listed dozens of actions the Obama administration has taken to reduce carbon dioxide emissions:

In its place, the Trump administration has put up a page declaring “An America First Energy Plan” that makes no mention at all of climate change — except to note that Trump plans to roll back many of Obama’s climate policies.

Instead, Trump plans to promote more drilling of America’s “estimated $50 trillion in untapped shale, oil, and natural gas reserves, especially those on federal lands.”



New member
too quick for something that just happened. I doubt Trump knows the names of the webmasters who work on

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond