Trump Rallies Consistently Draw Large Numbers of Democrats and Independents

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump Rallies Consistently Draw Large Numbers of Democrats and Independents

The 90-minute Trump campaign rally held in Toledo, Ohio, on January 9 continued a trend that had held firmly in recent months — 42.8 percent of the 22,927 people attending the event were either a Democrat or an Independent. Broken down, 21.9 percent were Democrats and 20.9 percent of attendees identified as Independents.
These figures continue a trend stretching back to last October 17, when 21.4 percent at a Trump rally in Dallas were Democrats, with 11 percent being Latino. Twenty-seven percent of those attending a Trump rally in Tupelo, Mississippi, on November 1 were Democrats, with 20 percent being black. At a November 26 Trump rally in Broward, Florida, 24 percent of attendees were Democrats, with 27 percent being Hispanic.

And those people are being signed up as voters. The Dems are in for a brutal shock.


And then he lies about the number of people at his rallies. Started with the Inauguration, remember? He lies about everything, Even things that do not matter. He is sooooo insecure, he needs his ego stroked more than my cat did.

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Credo in Unum Deum
Trump campaign: At Phoenix rally, 18% attendees were Democrats and more than a quarter didn't vote in 2016

President Trump’s Wednesday night rally in Phoenix, Arizona, was attended by a chunk of Democrats and people who did not vote in the 2016 presidential election, according to campaign figures.

“Wow, Arizona! Big Phoenix rally. 67,516 Tickets, 29,990 Voters Identified (87% from AZ), 26% Didn’t Vote in 2016, 18% Democrats, Thank You Arizona. Winning Data!” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale tweeted Thursday.