Trump puts Bannon on security council, dropping joint chiefs


[Trump puts Bannon on security council, dropping joint chiefs | BBC News] "President Donald Trump is reshuffling the US National Security Council (NSC), downgrading the military chiefs of staff and giving a regular seat to his chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Mr Bannon, formerly the head of the populist right-wing, Breitbart News website, will join high-level discussions about national security.

The order was signed on Saturday..." Full text: Trump puts Bannon on security council, dropping joint chiefs 1 Ti 2:1-2 more
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Bannon is from my city

I understand Bannon- he's from this corner of society. It's a Godsend that he's by Trump's side, as VA will be one of the states that reap the most from the Presidency.


New member
Hall of Fame

Bob Gates, who served as defense secretary under both Obama and President George W. Bush and as CIA director under President George H.W. Bush, also said what Trump is doing is a mistake.

“Adding people to the National Security Council never really bothers me,” he said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.” “My biggest concern is there are actually, under the law, only two statutory advisers to the National Security Council and that’s the Director of Central Intelligence, or the DNI, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

“I think pushing them out of the National Security Council meetings, except when their specific issues are at stake, is a big mistake,” he added. “I think that they both bring a perspective and judgment and experience to bear that every president, whether they like it or not, finds useful.”

White House press secretary Sean Spicer called Rice’s tweets “clearly inappropriate language from a former ambassador” Sunday on “This Week.” When asked by host Martha Raddatz what Bannon brings to the National Security Council, Spicer replied, “Well, he is a former naval officer. He’s got a tremendous understanding of the world and the geopolitical landscape that we have now.”

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus also defended the reorganization on NBC’s “Meet the Press” Sunday, claiming that the DNI and Joint Chiefs chair are “included as attendees anytime that they want to be included.”

“If you read the order they’re invited as attendees to the Security Council at any time,” he said.

Trump’s order, however, does not say that. It clearly states: “The Director of National Intelligence and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall attend where issues pertaining to their responsibilities and expertise are to be discussed.”


Only in an "alternative" universe could you rationalize having a National Security Council (NSC) without the Directors of National Intelligence Services and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff!

The inclusion of Trump's advisor, Steve Bannon, says it all - alternative, ultra-conservative facts take precedence over real "intelligence!"


they're not insiders :duh:

The tax laws that exclude billionaires like Trump and his cronies from paying their fair share of federal taxes just didn't happen by accident - they are all standing up to their necks in the Washington Swamp!


What "alternative" logic can explain how you could have a National Security Council while excluding the directors of America's security agencies?

Apparently Trump lacks the attention span necessary to listen to the presentations made by the security directors and the joint chiefs so he replaced them with Steve Bannon from Breitbart News for comic relief - I feel safer already!