Trump Joking!


Yesterday, Trump said that Democrats who didn’t applaud his State of the Union address were committing treason.

While people were naturally outraged that the president was saying that opposing his policies was akin to committing crimes against the state, a spokesman for the president said not to worry, that he was just joking.

Trump treason comments were "in jest", says White House!

A sarky response would be to say, "keep your day job" - normally.

patrick jane

Yesterday, Trump said that Democrats who didn’t applaud his State of the Union address were committing treason.

While people were naturally outraged that the president was saying that opposing his policies was akin to committing crimes against the state, a spokesman for the president said not to worry, that he was just joking.

Trump treason comments were "in jest", says White House!

A sarky response would be to say, "keep your day job" - normally.
Yeah, I'm sure Trump thought that not applauding him was a crime punishable by death. :thumb:


Yeah, I'm sure Trump thought that not applauding him was a crime punishable by death. :thumb:

No: Punishable by humiliating people via tweets or whatever. Sad Chump cannot get that it only backfires, every-time.

World wide consensus is that compared to Chump, Kim Jong-un looks sensible!

Why you are proud of that beggars belief.

patrick jane

No: Punishable by humiliating people via tweets or whatever. Sad Chump cannot get that it only backfires, every-time.

World wide consensus is that compared to Chump, Kim Jong-un looks sensible!

Why you are proud of that beggars belief.
We see two different Trumps. I like what I see and you don't. You ignore the corruption and illegal spying done by your team. Soak it up and drink it in for 7 more years.


We see two different Trumps. I like what I see and you don't. You ignore the corruption and illegal spying done by your team. Soak it up and drink it in for 7 more years.

We see two different Trumps. I like what I see and you don't. You ignore the corruption and illegal spying done by your team. Soak it up and drink it in for 7 more years.

My Team????? Not so. Remember, I am Johnny foreigner. Some of the Republicans are demostrably capable and competent. It is just that Chump is not one of them, not anywhere close.

It is painful to watch Republicans try not to wince when on camera with Trump showing himself to be the undisputed heavy weight idiot of the world.

patrick jane

My Team????? Not so. Remember, I am Johnny foreigner. Some of the Republicans are demostrably capable and competent. It is just that Chump is not one of them, not anywhere close.

It is painful to watch Republicans try not to wince when on camera with Trump showing himself to be the undisputed heavy weight idiot of the world.
We know who we elected, as a people. It's excruciating for me to watch the dems with Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Pocahontas, Bernie, Maxine Watters and that ragtag gang of liberal socialists.


We see two different Trumps. I like what I see and you don't. You ignore the corruption and illegal spying done by your team. Soak it up and drink it in for 7 more years.

7 more years huh.

Patrick, google "Beruslconi, Prime Minster". Trump is just a rerun of an old story. So many similarities: Corruption, Cover-ups, sex with anyone but the current wife.... blah,blah blah...

Except one difference.

Beruslconi was politically savvy. Beruslconi could never be accused of behaving like a little toddler, throwing his toys out of his cot, where mummy Melania has to mother him, and then having a strop on twitter. No, Beruslconi was grown up and behaved like a man.

patrick jane

7 more years huh.

Patrick, google "Beruslconi, Prime Minster". Trump is just a rerun of an old story. So many similarities: Corruption, Cover-ups, sex with anyone but the current wife.... blah,blah blah...

Except one difference.

Beruslconi was politically savvy. Beruslconi could never be accused of behaving like a little toddler, throwing his toys out of his cot, where mummy Melania has to mother him, and then having a strop on twitter. No, Beruslconi was grown up and behaved like a man.
If Trump's not a man then what are all those ties in his dresser for?


We know who we elected, as a people. It's excruciating for me to watch the dems with Pelosi, Schumer, Durbin, Pocahontas, Bernie, Maxine Watters and that ragtag gang of liberal socialists.

You are still not getting it. The BIG issues is not Dems vs Republicans. It is the donut in the White padded House.


If Trump's not a man then what are all those ties in his dresser for?

Geez Patrick, you are hard work.

The UK regularly slaughters its Prime Ministers. Makes Ceaser's back stabbers look like a lovely bunch of gentlemen.

For the wrong reason though. Johnson, Gove are traitors. They did what they did purely for their own gain. Hence, It was fun to watch Gove stab his best mate, Johnson, in the back when he thought he could make Prime Minister instead of Rubber Johnny.

The US is a totally different kettle of fish. You are confusing party politics - Dems vs Replicans - with competence vs absurdity. Some decades ago the UK got saddled with a big time loser, Michael Foot, Unlike Trump, Foot was a nice guy. Like Trump, he was a hopeless embarrassment.

Republicans, if you do not want to lose big time in the mid-terms and beyond. You need to cut out the crap. NOW. For F***s sake, get real.


:chuckle: You're a funny guy zzub.

Thanks Patrick. It has been fun pestering you. I have tried hard to be annoying.


There is a serious side too.

Chump pisses of NOT[ just his enemies but: all women (especially Mel); all non-whites; every one outside the US. BUT, also his own Republicans as well.

If, by being annoying, I can wake enuf people up to be a majority, hell maybe I can help prevent the next debacle, maybe Viet Nam 3 (or is it 4).

Ok, I am not that magnaminous. I am thinking of my pension as well - of which I do not want Chump to screw up.


Anyone here have some personal contact with Donald Duck?

Please point him to this forum.

I would like to go head to head.