

New member
Matthew 23:1 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples, 23:2 Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: 23:3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. 23:4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

The above came to mind recently during the following: a recent exchange between myself and a long time acquaintance who is a rabid Trump supporter.

Note: His grammar is due to his being first generation Polish.

Some background: The guy is self-employed, and employs low-wage, under the table workers.

The following reveals the guy's obviously convenient self-delusion.

We were talking about a problem I had resolved, when I joked with him about Trump; knowing he'd go into his mantra, lol

Danoh: Next problem - get Trump to resign, lol.

Trumper: Why you hate America and most people here. It was election square and fair. Trump was sent by God to save America.

Danoh: Nope - I love this country. I just know a self-serving crook, when I see one.

Trumper: Fortunately she was not elected.

Danoh: Another crook.

Trumper: Well so far he is doing great the problem are Republicans in the Congress that's where voting for repeal Obamacare for 7 years and now they're doing (four letter word).

Danoh: McConnell is now blaming Trump.

Trumper: McConnell is part of the problem and so is Ryan.

Danoh: Sort of like the real issue behind the immigration problem that people on both sides like getting away with - paying low wages under the table.

Trumper: Yeah! DemoKKKrats want future voters,Repubics want cheap labor!

Danoh: Like Trump's low wage, under the table Polish workers back when he built Trump Tower.

Trumper: That is called being a good businessman...

Danoh: Oh, so then it's okay - lol - you're delusional.

Trumper: No I am not. Dilutional are all numnuts that were supporting that lying crooked criminal Hillary or that leftist loon Bernie.

Danoh: Them too...

And so the exchange back and forth continued along that same Twiglight Zone like manner.

Reflecting on it all later, I found myself thinking I'd hate to be raised by one of these people.

I can just imagine the mentally destructive double-bind* such an upbringing could only result in.


* Double Bind: a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action - wikipedia

Rom. 5:8


Well-known member
In which Danoh has an imaginary conversation with the President of the United States, but never had one with the prior POTUS over his support of live birth abortions. :think:


* Double Bind: a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action - wikipedia

If you listen closely you can hear the lemmings say:

"At least we're not jumping for Hillary!"



New member
In which Danoh has an imaginary conversation with the President of the United States, but never had one with the prior POTUS over his support of live birth abortions. :think:

I keep forgetting Obama is still in office and Hillary is still running for office.

In other words, deflect away, Trump drone :chuckle:

Rom. 5:8


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
From article:

Well, what’s “absolutely true” would be one of two opposing propositions: Either Donald Trump is a modern Hitler and his supporters the equivalent of Nazis, slave-owners and Klansmen as depicted in this colorful but basically accurate characterization of the left’s view of Trump’s presidency – or else the people claiming this are not just staggeringly delusional, but reckless as well.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
From article:

Well, what’s “absolutely true” would be one of two opposing propositions: Either Donald Trump is a modern Hitler and his supporters the equivalent of Nazis, slave-owners and Klansmen as depicted in this colorful but basically accurate characterization of the left’s view of Trump’s presidency – or else the people claiming this are not just staggeringly delusional, but reckless as well.


I'm gonna go with b :)