Trump is wrong again


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Never put total trust in any man. Trust God and good judgment and steer clear of political agendas and narratives that are not in complete subjection to facts and truth. Trump may support covid vaccines and he may think the Fauci jab is effective and harmless, but the facts and evidence show differently.

Former President Donald Trump is pushing back against vaccine skepticism and, in a rare truce, the current White House is praising his remarks.
In an interview with conservative media personality Candace Owens published last week, Mr. Trump squashed fears that people are dying from the jab and said that the “vaccine works.”
“Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get it, it’s a very minor form,” Mr. Trump said. “People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”
Ms. Owens questioned the former president on why more people had died from COVID-19 since the rollout of the vaccine, implying that the vaccine had done little to curb the disease’s spread.
Mr. Trump dismissed the premise.