Trump is NO "outsider"-can't trust what he says.. typical politician


New member
Trump is a typical politician, meaning he speaks out both sides of his mouth.. says one thing one day, something entirely different the next..

I am sure you could add to this list of things he has flip flopped on

  • Perry is a loser--Perry is a wonderful man
  • Fiorina is [I'll paraphrase] physically unattractive--I meant Fiorina's "persona"
  • Hillary would make a great [I think it was Sec of State? President?]--Hillary is the worst Sec of State ever
  • I'm really pro-choice--I am pro-life
  • [favored partial birth abortion]--claims he no longer does
  • [favored Single-payer health care]--now claims he doesn't. [Oh, wait... haven't heard him take that one back yet.. Give him time?]
  • [once supported Democrats like Pelosi and Hillary]--claims he no longer does

etc.... etc...



patrick jane

Trump is a typical politician, meaning he speaks out both sides of his mouth.. says one thing one day, something entirely different the next..

I am sure you could add to this list of things he has flip flopped on

  • Perry is a loser--Perry is a wonderful man
  • Fiorina is [I'll paraphrase] physically unattractive--I meant Fiorina's "persona"
  • Hillary would make a great [I think it was Sec of State? President?]--Hillary is the worst Sec of State ever
  • I'm really pro-choice--I am pro-life
  • [favored partial birth abortion]--claims he no longer does
  • [favored Single-payer health care]--now claims he doesn't. [Oh, wait... haven't heard him take that one back yet.. Give him time?]
  • [once supported Democrats like Pelosi and Hillary]--claims he no longer does

etc.... etc...


he's a salesman. typical salesman - he has no product that is superior -


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It would be better to write correctly, rather than to use your time, starting so many threads; many, which cover the same topic, and as such, are duplicate threads.


he's a salesman. typical salesman - he has no product that is superior -

I know that you're a troll who doesn't answer others posts, but according this website, many of Donald Trump's "products" are superior* (if you're a conservative, which you're not).

*He's way off on the legalization of recreational drugs, but that will get him the Libertarian vote.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
he's a salesman..........

I see no reason to quote the entire post, which is mostly nonsense, when it is on plain view for everyone to see!

There is no need to always quote full posts, when it is easy to remove most of what you do not intend to use for your comment.

I find it strange you can post so quickly , yet nor actually say much? Please try to do better.


New member
Trump sounds like he is trying to make the voting public even less educated about the issues than they already are.


also like he is trying to SCARE people into listening to him... voting for him...

interesting how he always brags that people who criticize him... meet with a not too savory fate... (Perry, other candidates... They fall in the polls after criticizing him, and of course that is just OBVIOUSLY b/c of Mr Narcissist.. I mean it's obvious, isn't it? please)

yeh, that's interesting..

$$ can buy anything

except a ticket out of Hell



New member
he gave $$ to Pelosi and Clinton

some outsider... admitted he bought Clinton... allegedly so she'd go to his wedding...

something's rotten in Trumpville
