Trump is bullet proof


New member
Trump could say or do no wrong, and the polls showed that he had a snow balls chance of winning. The Latinos and Blacks were no help to Hillary. The only way that could happen is if the news media had been lying to us. Thoughts?


New member
Everyone is astonished, even the Republicans. Trump's win is a miracle. The Russians rejoice in Trump's win.


New member
Why was it very important for Trump to win for the Russians? Americans are so stunned at Trumps victory that they are still protesting in the streets.


New member
Maybe it means nothing, but the voting places that gave Trump the electoral vote; they were the ones vulnerable to Russian hack attacks.


New member
In the state of Pennsylvania, Clinton led by 1.9 percentage points in the final RCP Poll Average. It was Pennsylvania that gave Trump the win, and it was also one listed as vulnerable to Russian attack.
Good thing Trump had a poo-tin.:crackup:


First it was Forida, then it was Michigan, and now all of a sudden it's Pennsylvania :rolleyes:

~Dems trying to rationalize their loss~

Mr. 5020

New member
The most shocking this about all of this to me is that people on the Left still can't figure out what happened. I'm following guys like Brian Stelter and Jake Tapper blame everything from Putin to Mark Zuckerberg.

Here's an idea: go ask Trump voters why they voted for him. The 200+ counties of people that voted from Obama twice and voted for Trump this time. Are they secret racist Klan members? I swear, people on both sides of the aisle can be so absurd, but the Left is so loud about it.




New member
Trump has had a change of mind and heart. OK. People do have a right to make a change. The only thing that has not changed is the Trickle Down Economic plan. This has got to be the goofiest election ever.