Trump/Fox News Cover Up


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The Fox News Channel and a wealthy supporter of President Trump worked in concert under the watchful eye of the White House to concoct a story about the murder of a young Democratic National Committee aide, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.

The explosive claim is part of the lawsuit filed against Fox News by Rod Wheeler, a longtime paid commentator for the news network.

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The Barbarian



Fake News, don't waste your time


Move over North Korea - "The Supreme Leader" and his cronies in the White House now have the monopoly as to what constitutes the real truth in "The People's Republic of Trump" - and that can all change by the minute!


Ed Butowsky, a Trump supporter, wealthy Dallas investor and Fox commentator on financial matters, also had personal connections with Steve Bannon and Brietbart.

Butowsky offered to pay for Rod Wheeler, a former DC detective and longtime paid commentator on FOX, to investigate the death of the DNC aide, Seth Rich, supposedly on behalf of his grieving parents in Omaha, Nebraska.

On April 20, a month before the story ran, Butowsky and Wheeler — the investor and the investigator — met at the White House with then-press secretary Sean Spicer to brief him on what they were uncovering.

A voicemail and text shows Butowsky boasting that Trump, himself, had reviewed drafts of the Fox News story just before it went to air and was published.

Spicer now tells NPR that he took the meeting as a favor to Butowsky and is unaware of any contact involving the president.

Butowsky tells NPR that he was kidding about Trump's involvement.

Despite Wheeler's reservations, Butowsky contacted Fox's Malia Zimmerman who reported the Seth Miller had been murdered for leaking DNC emails - to deflect accusations away from the Trump Campaign that it had colluded with the Russian government.

The story took on greater urgency for Butowsky after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey in early May and FOX went public with it a week later.

On May 14, about 36 hours before Fox News' story appears, Butowsky leaves a voicemail for Wheeler, saying, "We have the full, uh, attention of the White House on this. And tomorrow, let's close this deal, whatever we've got to do."

Butowsky also texts Wheeler: "Not to add any more pressure but the president just read the article. He wants the article out immediately. It's now all up to you."

On May 16, the Fox News Channel broke what it called a "bombshell" story about an unsolved homicide: the July 2016 shooting of 27-year-old Democratic Party staffer Seth Rich.

Fox reported that the leaks came from inside the party and not from hackers linked to Russia — despite the conclusions of the nation's most senior intelligence officials.

Sean Hannity stated: "If this is true and Seth Rich gave WikiLeaks the DNC e-mails ... this blows the whole Russia collusion narrative completely out of the water."

The network cited an unnamed FBI official and relied heavily "quotes" from Wheeler, "quotes" that the former police detective who has since characterized as invented by FOX.

FOX also suggested that it was the Democrats who were connected to Rich's death, and that they orchestrated a cover-up to thwart the official investigation.

After Fox's report was aired on Fox & Friends, within hours it was denounced by the Rich family, the D.C. police, Democratic Party officials and privately, by some journalists within the network.

This story was subsequently retracted by Fox News a week later, although the network taken no action in response to what it said was a failure to adhere to the network's standards.

Rod Wheeler, the investigator, now alleges that Fox News and Trump supporter, Ed Butowsky, concocted this cover story intended to deflect public attention from growing concern about the administration's ties to the Russian government.

His lawsuit also charges that the Fox News reporter created quotations, attributed them to him, to augment her story.

Wheeler accuses Fox News Channel and a wealthy supporter of President Trump worked in concert under the watchful eye of the White House to invent this a story about the alleged "assassination" of a young Democratic National Committee aide.

Fox's president of news, Jay Wallace, told NPR on Monday that there was no "concrete evidence" that Wheeler was misquoted by the reporter, Malia Zimmerman. The news executive did not address a question about the story's allegedly partisan origins. Fox News declined to allow Zimmerman to comment for this story.

A spokeswoman for the FBI tells NPR this week that the agency has played no part in the investigation of the unsolved homicide. And a spokeswoman for Washington's Metropolitan Police Department says, "MPD stands behind its original assertion that Seth Rich was the victim of a botched armed robbery."
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Trump/Fox News Cover Up

As a form DC detective, Rod Wheeler has all the emails and audio tapes to substantiate his claims that Ed Butowsky (a Trump supporter), the FOX Network and the White House were all involved in a fabricating a story that Seth Rich, a Democratic staffer, gave WikiLeaks the DNC e-mails!

It was all supposed to occur under the cover story that as a public-spirited "good Samaritan, Butowsky would bring closure to Seth Miller's parents over their son's untimely death, by hiring Wheeler to investigate.

Given that Butowsky and Wheeler were already FOX regulars, and that Butowsky also had connections with the Trump Campaign, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon, everyone had a vested interest in shifting the responsibility for the DNC leaks away from Trump and the Russians, and onto the dead Sean Miller!

patrick jane

Trump/Fox News Cover Up

As a form DC detective, Rod Wheeler has all the emails and audio tapes to substantiate his claims that
Ed Butowsky (a Trump supporter), the FOX Network and the White House were all involved in a fabricating a story that Seth Rich, a Democratic staffer, gave WikiLeaks the DNC e-mails!

It was all supposed to occur under the cover story that as a public-spirited "good Samaritan, Butowsky would bring closure for Seth Miller's parents, concerning their son's senseless death by hiring Wheeler to investigate.

Both Butowsky and Wheeler were regulars on FOX, and Butowsky had connections with the Trump Campaign, Sean Spicer and Steve Bannon.