Trump doesn't address some issues.. but he does address..


New member
my impressions of Trump and how he comes across

I'm rich

I'm right

others are not (either one)

I am ahead of the other candidates

everyone is stupid

especially Bush

I'm rich

I'm right

he's stupid

I'm ahead of the other candidates

I'm right

everyone is stupid

especially Bush

I am ahead of the other candidates

they're morons

especially Bush



New member
truth be told, Bush looks a whole lot better to me vis a vis Trump...

i mean, you know.. put those 2 together and Bush looks .. well, more presidential

but i won't be voting for Bush b/c he apparently thinks its OK to kill some children b/c of what their parents have done (rape/incest)

yeh, execute the innocent and let the guilty live..

that dosn't pass the logic test...

worse, it doesn't pass the Christian/Civilized people test..



New member
there are only 2 things i dont like about Trump... which... wouldn't be too bad, really... if those 2 things were not... HUGE

I hate to say it but i tend to agree w/ RAnd Paul who called T a bully

he does seem to be... uh... well, you know, he said if he didn't get the R nomination, he wouldn't be against going 3rd party.

Translation: I don't care if Hellary wins

Translation: I am not a true R (which is what some are saying... .)


the most important thing, however, is the PRO LIFE thing... most important issue of ALL (as we logicalfolks know..)

i could get over him being something of a bully... if only he bullied

the ultimate bullies...

the pro-death morons




New member
oh gee... the pro-death folks have not come to argue...

the Planned Barren-head folks who think that even though PP violates the law concerning fetal parts.. profiting from such... and worse commits millions of murders

they should still get our $$

